Pekin Duck Club!

The last few days I have been noticing some different behaviors in Hazel and Henry but mostly Henry. I knew most of their behavior was "courting" behavior. Head bobbing for one and Henry mounting Hazel. But... Today, Henry was acting like he had something he was trying to cough up. He would shake his tail feathers first then he would ruffle his feathers and lounge his neck up and make a whistle sound. It didn't look pleasant and he actually looked like he was in pain. After researching half the day and thinking something had to be wrong with him, I found an old thread on here by Amykins. She had a video of Wobbles doing the EXACT same thing! Apparently Henry will be just dandy as this too is courting behavior... He seriously had me worried. Geesh. He got his drake feather and now he's acting like a mad duck.

Thank you @Amykins for that video you posted of wobbles! Talk about relief to know Henry's not choking or something! :)

I would love to see this video, where can i find it? Thanks

Their fav place in the backyard to relax! My kids are getting so big!
My Pekins get it a lot. Ive learned it just depends on what they eat. Duck poo is pretty runny the majority of the time anyhow. So I make sure they get raw apple cider vinegar and probiotics in their water. It will clear up. Yet, if your duck starts acting funny such as he's not feeling so well or the poo is real dark, if you suspect something's seriously wrong you will need an antibiotic. When, I had this problem, I was told to use scrambled eggs with some garlic in them, its natural and helped. Mine was like water and it was almost black and I freaked but after figuring everything out, it was only that dark and runny bc of dirt, mud, and plants they won't stop eating! What can ya do? They are like unruly teenagers.
So there is a male Cayuga in my flock that has drown a mate in the past. Other than eating and drinking all it wants to do is mate, and aggressively I might add. The problem is that it picks a favorite female and constantly harasses that one! Since its other favorite died all it does is try mate with a ten week old pekin, that I'm not even positive is female. I'm ready to shoot this duck and throw it out. Unless anyone has any solutions.
Have you tried introducing him to a mate that is more around his age? he is acting out of instinct but must not be able to control it well. It could calm down with age.
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MyBosChickens - We just purchased 3 pekin ducks and rescued 1 more (2 males and 2 females.) We have 5 Female Chickens that they have joined. We live in Indiana and are busy building a home and homeschooling our 4 children. We have fallen in love with these silly birds, but know oh so little about them!

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