Pekin Duck Club!

I know, if you are anything like me, it was certainly not a decision you made lightly. But you can rest easy knowing your girls are safe and you made the right choice.
I waited to long to do it honestly. But yes you are exactly right I was worried for my girls!. But until my other Cayuga grows up I have 0 males left in the flock.
I waited to long to do it honestly. But yes you are exactly right I was worried for my girls!. But until my other Cayuga grows up I have 0 males left in the flock.

How old is your young one? You probably already said in an earlier post but I am in insomnia fog. :) It's always amazing to me just how brutal a 'bad' bird can be. It's positively terrifying!
Who has the sexiest drake feather? Why Squacky does, of course! :D

@Pekin1999 ...

...I also had a Cayuga drake that terrorized the poor females in the flock...and good number of the males too !!! In the duck world, they're very open-minded about things like that and especially when young, they tend not to be too terribly concerned with whether or not the 'chosen one' has all the correct 'parts' or not
bun.gif !!! I've even had females that acted that way, although in my experience, it's not as prevalent. I've read on this site and others where people seem to have this problem quite often and surprisingly enough, the majority of the offenders seem to be Cayugas. I'm not sure why that is but if anyone thinks they might have an answer please feel free to PM me or bring it up in an another thread or discussion.



                     ...I also had a Cayuga drake that terrorized the poor females in the flock...and good number of the males too !!!  In the duck world, they're very open-minded about things like that and especially when young, they tend not to be too terribly concerned with whether or not the 'chosen one' has all the correct 'parts' or not :bun !!!  I've even had females that acted that way, although in my experience, it's not as prevalent.  I've read on this site and others where people seem to have this problem quite often and surprisingly enough, the majority of the offenders seem to be Cayugas.  I'm not sure why that is but if anyone thinks they might have an answer please feel free to PM me or bring it up in an another thread or discussion.



That's weird! Because I have had very nice cayugas in the past! I don't know though maybe they just can tend to be more mean

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