Pekin Duck Club!

O.K. but I have also been told that he NEEDS to go because Ducks are social birds and he is alone. I CAN NOT leave him right now as he freaks out. AND he ONLY freaked out his first time in the car NOT doing ANYTHING else,( I have heard of Ducks getting motion sicness and was thankful this did not happe). like riding in the stroller while in the store, or being carried in the pet carrier I had bought first. Have you read "Duck! There's a Goose in the House", I'm thinking maybe you haven't? You can do these things and I am NOT humanizing Quack-Quack, Quack-Quack is an imprinted Duck and believes he's human anyways because of this. If you can not or should not take your Duck then why are diaper harnesses and walking harnesses made? Thank You for you very much for letting me know we have a drake and I thank you for your opinon about taking Quack-Quack with me wherever I go but I KNOW it's been and is being done.
do what you want mama! i have 3 girls . and they are so Bonded to me its like they are imprinted- i didnt hatch them but close enough! u'd never guess i didnt if you saw the way they act lol . i LOVE IT for the love and affection and devotion they show but it is worrisome at times - like when you leave them or when they are ranging . ppl who dont have that connection dont understand .. my ducks like me to sit beside them when they swim something ive done since i got them as a day old ducklings but they are 5 week old big girls now ..... "MAMA" doesnt need to watch them lol "MAMA" has stuff to do lol so they quack and make a fuss till i sit and mess w them or i just go in about my stuff w them following me all over the yard quack quacking a way - at least if they are right on my heels i can watch them right ? lol and ive been bringing my 3 ducks up to the coop at night to free range w my 15 Rocks and then spend the night ... then in the morning i take them back to the barn ( the waterer and feeder in my coop right now isnt big enough for the ducks ) but its slowly getting the ducks and chickens used to each other .... they HATED car rides at first. it was like duck murder omg but now after a few days of it they are a lot better and settle easier. i just talk to them soothingly and pet them - so keep trying itll get easier :). o and maybe when you leave you could give your duck a "lovey" like a big stuffed animal to love on while your gone - or crate him/her i guess but still give the lovey. just like when a dog has separation anixety same would work for a duck :) children have fav toys haha maybe your duck will .like a pillow pet duck friend..... just thoughts . Good Luck!
So those of you that say your Pekins are very friendly - did you do something special to get them that way? All of my poultry still runs and hides any time I come anywhere near them, even though I am out there at least a half hour a day to clean out the coop and socialize, usually more than that...
I'm with you! I've had them since they were 3 days old! And they still put up w/ me! What did you do and teach me! I don't need them tied to my hip but more than just a food source! If I corner one of them and pick it up. I can sit down somewhere w/ them and they don't mind. But hell, thats not what I was told. Do you want mine!
Does anyone know clucknut? I can't seem to find her. I know there is a spot for searching but where? Have her contact me if you know her,pls
LOL!... and you never will find "her"... This is "him", at your service.

There is some speculation about my duck's genders, but I am completely sure about my own!
LOL!... and you never will find "her"... This is "him", at your service.

There is some speculation about my duck's genders, but I am completely sure about my own!
Open mouth, insert foot! So Now we know your tail feather in a curl

You emailed me some pic's of your ducks but somehow I deleted the mail! I'm new to this and I don't know how to open my mail I guess so try again! I'm w/ you, your explaination of your ducks is just like mine....unless I have the wrong guy? Maybe this just isn't my day. We did converse about our male/f Pekin Ducks didn't we? God I hope so!!
That's so cool! What kind of response do you get when you are out? My ducks are outdoor pets because I have several but we did bring them all in at Christmas (with their diapers on of course) and got a picture of them in front of the tree - I'll have to find it and post it.
I would love to see your duckies Christmas pic :) I have so much fun taking Soleil with me places. Not only is she well behaved, we always get asked back. I try and take her everywhere that is "Pet Friendly" as well. When we go on vacation she is always there with us. Being disabled has taken a toll on my family and I, but Soleil makes every adventure amazing! Soleil is great with people, especially kids, and she will let anyone pet her so it makes it easy to take her places. It seems like everyone wants to take a picture, pet her and for sure get excited over the oppertunity to interact with a very friendly duck. Im hoping to get her certified through Delta Society so she can become a Therapy Duck and visit nursing homes and such. There are several Therapy Ducks out there and I have to admit they were my inspiration :)

OK now a bunch of peeps are making fun of me. Is it 'Pekin' or 'Peking'
The Pekin kind I would imagine bite your fingers. The Peking kind I would imagine are served with veggies. P.S. I don't eat either one.
I think either one is acceptable, I use Pekin though because like you I hear peking and think its food. I don't eat duck so either one is safe from me :D
Wow, I can't believe you guys can get that close cuz mine just put up w/ me. I'm their source of food and thats it. I am making clicking noises when I feed them (clicker training) I'm hoping that will work.

Does anyone know clucknut? I can't seem to find her. I know there is a spot for searching but where? Have her contact me if you know her,pls
Ducks can be clicker trained, as well as chickens can ;)
So those of you that say your Pekins are very friendly - did you do something special to get them that way? All of my poultry still runs and hides any time I come anywhere near them, even though I am out there at least a half hour a day to clean out the coop and socialize, usually more than that...
Soleil is imprinted which does make a huge difference. When I got her, I ordered her and another pekin duckling from an online hatchery. When they came though the other little one was DOA
When I opened though box though, Soleil literally jumped out onto me and never wanted to be put down so I always held her. Right away she thought I was her mommy so she imprinted to me.
So got to get some peas lol :0
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LOL!... and you never will find "her"... This is "him", at your service.

There is some speculation about my duck's genders, but I am completely sure about my own!
Open mouth, insert foot! So Now we know your tail feather in a curl

You emailed me some pic's of your ducks but somehow I deleted the mail! I'm new to this and I don't know how to open my mail I guess so try again! I'm w/ you, your explaination of your ducks is just like mine....unless I have the wrong guy? Maybe this just isn't my day. We did converse about our male/f Pekin Ducks didn't we? God I hope so!!

No harm done. On another forum, I once thought someone was talking about one of their beagles when in fact, "Bucket" was their cat. Now THAT was embarassing!

It WAS me with the pictures... Check your private messages in your profile.There was a thread asking for our duck's names. Here they are again... They've been losing feathers. (Didn't someone say that their first molt is at about ten weeks?) Maybe I'll be able to tell their gender once their new feathers are all in? One of each, I hope.
I can look at them and imagine it... but I don't know.

...You know, I can't really see my own tail feathers, but this full beard I've worm for almost 40 years, is pretty telling.
On the other hand... I had this Great Aunt Bertha, and she..... Oh, never mind.

No harm done. On another forum, I once thought someone was talking about one of their beagles when in fact, "Bucket" was their cat. Now THAT was embarassing!

It WAS me with the pictures... Check your private messages in your profile.There was a thread asking for our duck's names. Here they are again... They've been losing feathers. (Didn't someone say that their first molt is at about ten weeks?) Maybe I'll be able to tell their gender once their new feathers are all in? One of each, I hope.
I can look at them and imagine it... but I don't know.

...You know, I can't really see my own tail feathers, but this full beard I've worm for almost 40 years, is pretty telling.
On the other hand... I had this Great Aunt Bertha, and she..... Oh, never mind.


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