Pekin Duck Club!

Thanks I'm a mama of 2 white crested ducks and I'm loving every moment of it! I never would have thought having ducks would be as awesome as it is right now. I love them more and more every day! I had a question tho is it normal for ducks to pant like dogs do? Cause mine have been doing it a lot more lately. They always have water so I know it's not that just not sure what it means. Thanks for your help and I'm so glad there is a place for all us duck/chicken people out there. I thought I was the only one who was crazy about their ducks like I am.
Welcome! Are your duckies crested pekins? The are so cute! My duck pants like that sometimes, even when she has water. I heard that like dogs ducks pant to cool themselves off.

I love my ducks! This is Mr.Peabody and Sweetpea the best white crested ducks in the world! I'm one happy mama
Yes they are white crested Peking ducks, that's why they have the poofs on there heads! I think that's what makes them so special to me cause I'm different so we make a perfect pair!
Yes they are white crested Peking ducks, that's why they have the poofs on there heads! I think that's what makes them so special to me cause I'm different so we make a perfect pair!
Just wondering, you said they are white crested ducks, which is a breed of it's own. They are so beautiful! Are they from a feed store?
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DenverDucky - no i have not named them... I can't! They actually belong to my 3 children and they are waiting to know if they are boys or girls! That makes a WORLD of difference to them! Lol!! At what age can you normally tell??

They are white crested ducks but I have been told that they are a member of the Pekin family the only difference is the poof. I could be wrong cause I don't know anything about them, it's a learning experience that I'm loving. I got them from a hatchery. They are tame and love to snuggle with me. They love to sleep in bed with me but that a special occasion. They love to eat everything from bananas to carrots, peas, super soft potatoes ( I buy cans of mix veggies salt free) dried mealworms, live worms, clovers and dandelions are their favorite. They follow me where ever I go ad after a log day at work they are the only thing I can't wait to get home to. They wag there tail feathers we talk to each other and have dinner together and then go for a after dinner walk. They are going to have a very happy life with there own personal pond in the back yard and lots of land for them to go where try please. At what age can I move them outside? I got a chicken coop built that is now going to be a duck house so it's safe for them.
Waiting for their swim time!!! So sweet!!

Well I've tried twice to embed my picture and it's not working... So try later!
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My ducks were given to me and for the first 3 days I let them be (I read that somewhere in here) and when I would pick them u[ they would scream like going to Slater. 6 weeks. I sit w/ them as much as possible but I can't be there all day! I do have a life. Right now I love them and find this interesting but I really wish I could get hatchery duck!
I heard at Tractor S. that now my poop compost isn't as good. I used to have just chic. Now I will have them tog. they said that ducks have high acid. Only good for some plants.
Well, i think at least one of my ducks may be a male. So for now their names are Jemima, Juniper and Jasper.
I think I have 2 drakes and 1 hen... Guess we need to get another hen since my children will be so upset with me if I get rid of one of their ducks! Anyone in MO have a young hen to get rid of??

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