Pekin Duck Club!

OK I promise I'll stop with the pics for awhile. It's just no one else understands and all of you relate!
I love you girls!!! Anyhow, Lily layed an egg sometime between 5 and 6:40 am! Oh my, my first egg, I'm so excited. I accidentally dropped it and it cracked but not hard enough to make it leak. But ummmm What do I do with it????

Please don't stop with the pics. Keep them coming. This is fun. They look as though they have really bonded. I love it. So cute x 2.
I agree with Julie. Please don't stop. We all know you're excited, and the pics are adorable.
How do u candle eggs? And after she lays them, how long do I have to put them in an incubator before their not fertile anymore? Not that I'm getting an incubator, I'm curious.
How do u candle eggs? And after she lays them, how long do I have to put them in an incubator before their not fertile anymore? Not that I'm getting an incubator, I'm curious.

Candle with a strong flashlight, I prefer LED. And I believe its after 10 days the fertility rate declines. I let ours keep theirs in hopes someone would sit but they were more interested in foraging and playing in the water so I broke down & bought an incubator. Unfortunately my first attempt was unsuccessful. Now attempting a second batch.
Lol no. Since I cracked the first one. We are waiting till finite to candle the second egg. And then will see what

Are you talking about a brand new egg you're planning to candle? You can't tell anything about those by candling. It's the incubation that starts the development process, though some people crack a sampling of new eggs to check possible fertility.

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