Pekin Duck Club!

I tried to take pics, it didn't work. Yeah I have the ten pack of small led flashlights from TSC. That's what I'm seems to be veins in 3 of them. A dark spot in the middle, a few veins from that, but the veins are light and then a reddish, looking ring around that. That's what looked like a bloody color almost to me. I numbered them tonight, I'll give them a few more days and see if there are any changes. I wish you lived close and I would bring u my problem solver and jade but I haven't seen her on here but I've been super busy lately. Anyhow, when I got home Lily wasn't on her nest, that's when I fed them some treats and candled and numbered the eggs. They were cold, maybe she gave up but she covers them all with straw whenever shes not sitting on them.
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What do all of you Pekin lovers do with your eggs? I just don't care for them, I don't bake that often, but they are piling up here! I have got three girls who have just recently started laying, first year. So I am getting 3 a day. I was thinking of seeing if my local food shelf wanted them for a hungry family that likes duck eggs.

Any other thoughts?
What do all of you Pekin lovers do with your eggs? I just don't care for them, I don't bake that often, but they are piling up here! I have got three girls who have just recently started laying, first year. So I am getting 3 a day. I was thinking of seeing if my local food shelf wanted them for a hungry family that likes duck eggs.

Any other thoughts?

We get more eggs than we can eat from our 6 girls. I posted an ad on our local online classified and found 3 families that love duck eggs and want as many as we can give them One of the families are from Vietnam, and they were raised on duck eggs, but can't get them here in the stores. I sell them for $4 per dozen, and I use the money to buy my flock their food and bedding. I still have money left over after that, and it is going to a vet fund for the future. I like the idea that they are providing food for our family while supporting themselves.
I have the same problem, no clue what to do with the eggs. Someone else told me to hard boil them, mash them up, mix them with some feed, make it soupy and feed it back to them and they will love it and they do. But it still don't take care of all the eggs

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