Pekin Duck Club!

Many people raise them together; however, I choose not to. My ducks always have been a little aggressive to the chickens and they have got into some scuffles with the roosters. Another thing to consider is the water issue. Ducks make a mess of the water, where the chicken water stays pretty darn clean. My ducks also just have a dog-house-type shelter in their run whereas the chickens have the ramp up into the house complete with nesting boxes and roosts. So, it also depends on what your set up is like.
I will say though, that when we let them ALL out of their runs for some supervised free-ranging in the afternoons, there usually aren't any issues. They just stay away from each other and if the the two groups get too close, the ducks usually let them know they should leave their area. LOL
I have 13 chickens and was surprised with 2Pekin ducks from my 22 yr. old son as am Easter present
He was told that they could be raised w/ our girls. So if anyone in you club has some suggestions, give me a shout!
My ducks are raised and cooped with my chickens with no issues. I do not let feed or water in the coop so the mess with the water is eliminated. I provide a kiddy pool in the pen and kiddie pool in the yard. I free range most of the time but pen the chickens sometimes, just depends if they annoy DH by pooping all over the porch lol. I feed my mixed flock , Flock Raiser until they are to laying age, then switch to layer feed. I give all kitchen scraps except raw onion and potato peels. My ducks LOVE spaghetti and peas :) I hand feed treats to keep them social.
I'm raising my chicks and ducks together. Well, they were in the same brooder for the first week. But the ducks made such a mess that they are now in their own brooder next to the chickens. Since it's been nice outside lately (60's and 70's) I've been having them spend a chunk of the day in their outdoor pen.

The ducks get so excited when they get to be with the chicks. They all stay in a group and are very good with each other. They do not like coming back in to be in separate brooders. But I'd rather not have the huge mess they'd make.
My girls are here !!
. Charlotte , cookie & webber . ;)

All was well except cookie developed this issue an we've been fighting w it for over an hour .. I posted another thread about it ;(

I have got her to exspell some poo an she's stopped chirping .. But I'm still worried ;( I don't care if they will replace her . I want her .
I had to move my 3 ducks to there own section. The younger rooster, which is in the freezer right now, use to try to mate with the 2 females and would pull feathers out too much. He also chased around and would attack them all. That's sort of why he is now in the freezer.
I had to move my 3 ducks to there own section. The younger rooster, which is in the freezer right now, use to try to mate with the 2 females and would pull feathers out too much. He also chased around and would attack them all. That's sort of why he is now in the freezer.


I'm sorry, but I had to giggle at this.
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One of my hens are broody. First time with a broody duck. Not sure were the other hen is laying her egg. Almost looks as if the broody is leaving the nest in the morning and letting the other lay her egg in the nest. Or maybe the other just stopped since the other is broody. No idea!! All I know is there are A LOT of eggs in her nest.

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That is sooo cute! I have a Ping too - she turned out to be my Jumbo Pekin and I just love her. With my first shipment, only one survived as well and we put a stuffed animal in with her. I kind of spoiled her until we got the 3 others and to this day she is the most friendly. Her name is Yangtze. Have fun!
Well Ping is happy now! We got two female Pekin ducklings yesterday and they are all getting along and Ping no longer has to sleep with her rubber duck. It has been awhile since I have had baby ducks so how long before they can go outside in a coop? Here are a couple of pictures of the three girls.

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