Pekin Duck Club!

This is my Pekin Dr. Phil, keeping a watchful eye on his gal Brownie's nest. This is Brownie going back onto her nest after getting a drink and some corn. Notice Dr. Phil's beautiful drake tail. No wonder Brownie thought he was so handsome. Wonder what she thinks of Dr. Phil's other conquests?

They are pretty! Love the name Dr. Phil
This is Dexter...he is 2 weeks old. I am pretty sure he is a pekin but his beak is not orange. Anybody know what that could mean? Is he a different kind of duck?

Hello and welcome to BYC
I don't think our Pekins beak did this. I'm sure you'll hear from others real soon. Good luck and have fun with Dexter. He is a cutie!.
This is Dexter...he is 2 weeks old. I am pretty sure he is a pekin but his beak is not orange. Anybody know what that could mean? Is he a different kind of duck?

so cute! and no they aren't always.. in my half dozen they have two different beak colours.. they are most definitely Pekin..

Now THATS funny!

Not trying to be smart but they are messy, wet, poopey, hungry and thirsty...always. All we can do as duckling raisers is to try to find the BEST brooder setup we can invent. What are you using for them to live in right now and what kind of flooring and waterer do you have? There are things that can reduce their messiness but.....ROTFLMAO.

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