Pekin Duck Club!

Handle them often and give them treats. Also put them close/next to each other outside every day for they can see each other. Divide by fence for bout 2-3 weeks before trying to put them together to be sure. Then u still will have a small fight for peck order but it should be harmless.
I tried today and one really picked on them and I did put them together Becuase I had to get them out of the shed I have always keep them in like a Ramallah pet carrier same with the others I am scared that since there is a big age gap that they will trample the babies the babies still have down and the others have feathers
I tried today and one really picked on them and I did put them together Becuase I had to get them out of the shed I have always keep them in like a Ramallah pet carrier same with the others I am scared that since there is a big age gap that they will trample the babies the babies still have down and the others have feathers

Just put a small hole fencing in between. They will have beak wars but that's oki. They get to know each other that way and already try to sort out the peck order. Just give them at least 2 week time next to each other. Don't try to rush it as the older ones could kill the younger ones!
I have a nother suck ducky and i put it in with my other ones i hatched and there was a month old one and the one that is sick is talking care of the young one i hope it doesn't die i dotn need another it will be # 8 and i dont want that i h8 diseases that spread quickly
I have a nother suck ducky and i put it in with my other ones i hatched and there was a month old one and the one that is sick is talking care of the young one i hope it doesn't die i dotn need another it will be # 8 and i dont want that i h8 diseases that spread quickly

Separate the sick ducky immediately!

Desinfect everything it got in contact with and where it has been (food and water dishes, cage, etc) and keep the ones it is with now separated from all your other ones too and from the sick one! Clean everything with bleach water before putting it back together.

Leave the sick ducky separate, warm (when sick they have a difficult time keeping their body temp) and in a quite place. Give it some Poly-Vi-Sol right into the crop and let it rest with food and water close by. Change your clothing after contact with the sick ducky and desinfect your hands/arms before going near the other ones. Maybe that will help stop this.
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I did its not a disease when in the incubator we think one of the eggs when it died it got a fungus and it spread i only lost pthe ones i hatched and we did all of that and even when we separate they are still getting sick we disinfected everything i mean we spent a day cleaning and it doesn't help we give them medicine and they still die they must have been born with it and are just getting sick now
Trust me it's been going on for over a month and we have all the ones we hatched separate from the other but my silkies keep finding a way in pit because they are there friends the little duck and a americauna i hatched so they sneak in when i go in but be have been spending a lot of money trying to stop it and it doesn't work and the ducky its getting better and it wasn't near the other ones at all and it still got sick and its only the young ones i hatched that are from 2-3 months old
I got the same problem although I know all that all my other ducklings are fine. Just had another one pass last night :(( my favorite.

Since we don't have an avian vet around I researched it online and it can take a while to show obvious signs of being sick, but it's highly contagious. Not quite sure but for me it sounds like Newcastle disease. There's nothing you can do but ride it out.

So keep up the washing and cleaning, clean your bator and hatcher with bleach as soon as you can. Maybe that helps too.

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