Pekin Duck Club!

This is my duck Stan, my dog had been away for the night and she was missing him. Also we didn't know Stan was a girl until we found an egg lol
Aww, Stan is just a darling. What a little sweetie pie. Love those pekins! (well, actually, can't think of any I don't love, but that's another story!) How could you not love Stan!!
Aww, Stan is just a darling.  What a little sweetie pie.  Love those pekins! (well, actually, can't think of any I don't love, but that's another story!)  How could you not love Stan!!
I completely agree with you regarding Stan. The post and picture actually touched me to the point of tears as I had said several days ago.

This is my duck Stan, my dog had been away for the night and she was missing him. Also we didn't know Stan was a girl until we found an egg lol
I cannot express my feelings for this pic!!
Hi, this is my first post in this thread. We hatched some Pekins this spring, they are almost 4 months old now and I'm starting to see a tail curl developing in some of them, it looks like I've for 4 males and 3 females. My plan was to keep one male and all the females but I'm already inundated with chicken eggs and really just wanted ducks for their waddly funny antics anyway so I'm thinking of keeping the boys as a bachelor group and selling the girls to recoup some costs.

I'm just wondering how a bachelor group will get along? Has anyone kept a group like this? The ducks are housed completely separately from the chickens they wouldn't have any female company at all.

As thanks for you help here is a pic of the quackers dining on bolted lettuce a'la bucket served in the vegie patch today.
You shouldn't have any problems with a pure bachelor group as long as there is no female to fight over.
And welcome to the Pekin group! You got some cute babies!
Also, I wanna say I admire you as most of us just want more females and not many males. Lots don't even want the boys, which I think is sad. We ourselves have a group of mixed bachelors We keep away from the breeders now that mating season is coming along.
Thanks :) don't give me too much praise yet though, I still have to convince husband that keeping a group of 'useless' boys is a reasonable idea... which will be especially hard since he's been reading up of poultry processing recently :-/
Hi, this is my first post in this thread. We hatched some Pekins this spring, they are almost 4 months old now and I'm starting to see a tail curl developing in some of them, it looks like I've for 4 males and 3 females. My plan was to keep one male and all the females but I'm already inundated with chicken eggs and really just wanted ducks for their waddly funny antics anyway so I'm thinking of keeping the boys as a bachelor group and selling the girls to recoup some costs. I'm just wondering how a bachelor group will get along? Has anyone kept a group like this? The ducks are housed completely separately from the chickens they wouldn't have any female company at all. As thanks for you help here is a pic of the quackers dining on bolted lettuce a'la bucket served in the vegie patch today.
so cute and beautiful. What fun!!

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