Pekin duck illness/what is it?


14 Years
Apr 24, 2010
My Pekin female went broody and did not eat much and then she got sick. Black specks on bill, ruffled and standing up feathers and now she has difficulty breathing and will not eat anything but whole corn. I never did feed the ducks prepared food except Layena mixed in with whole corn but am now feeding the ducklings, very healthy ducklings, with a food made especially for ducklings from a local organic mill.
My question is: what is wrong with the duck? I saw something about such symptoms somewhere before she got sick but can't find it again.
I'm going to order some commercial food for laying ducks since I will need it when the ducklings get older but do you all have a recommendation in the meantime? I isolate her in a pleasant spot in my vegetable garden under the rose bush during the day. The drake sits on the other side of the fence.
I was reading about this Nutridrench on the Amazon reviews. This is good stuff! Now about the organic Apple cider vinegar. I give it to my horses. How much should I give the ducks? the same for chickens? By the way, I forgot to mention that they are free range.

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