Pekin duckling panting

You're more than welcome to jump in on this thread, rtflanagan, especially if yours are experiencing the same symptoms as mine. I don't know if it's the same thing, but I used to have a macaw that would pull her down/feathers out if she got stressed out. Do your ducklings get along well? I've read putting a mirror or even a stuffed animal in with them can help with anxiety/stress.
Another idea - for the dust - might be to lay an old towel over the shavings. You could then just shake out the towel onto the garden and the shavings might last longer, too.

Ducklings do muddy up their water. I would change it when it got low - probably 2 or three times a day anyway.
They get along great. They cry when one goes in the tub before the other or if they can't see each other. They sleep and snuggle together. We did electrolytes for two days when we brought them home. I can't think of anything else. The one losing her down is not the same one who was panting.

We did try a towel for a couple of days
boy it was a mess! We do towels for our guinea pig! But duck mess
new experience all together!
Hopefully its nothing. I really appreciate this sight!!!
My ducklings have soiled around 6 towels having 2 baths per day, I know how messy that gets! I'm changing them to pellet bedding tomorrow so hopefully that will improve. Ming-ming is starting to whistle a little while breathing, even after the second bath today. I'm adding some vitamin supliments to the waterer tomorrow as well.
My step-dad checked on them before I did and he said they were all huddled as far from the light as they could, all panting. We moved the light as far away s we could while still having it on them. I brought them down a deep bowl of cool water to dip their faces in. They're more interested in the towel I put it on.
How are your ducklings doing today?
Update: we bought the ducklings a dog waterer, the kind with the deep dish and a reservoir on top, and they went crazy over it. Playing in the water and splashing. After moving the light the trough is only 75° at the hottest so they are very happy babies now, no more panting that I've noticed :) thanks for the help everyone!!!

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