Pekin ducks

Hi, welcome to BYC!

If you are looking for ducks cooked in the Chinese style, you want Peking duck. If you want some large white ducks, still alive, you want Pekin ducks.

To confuse things even farther, in the UK a Cochin chicken is called a Pekin chicken. It can get very confusing at times!

Have you tried your local Craig's List? Look for ducks for sale and post another Wanted ad there. Most are only going to be 2-3 months old, since many folks got them at Easter and have now realized that they can be noisy and messy. Are you willing to pay for shipping or transport?

Best of luck!
Sorry a clumsy typo, yes I am willing to pay shipping and all or if they are in the area I can pick them up. Thanks DK
Where are you? Add your location to your title, it will help. Generally, as much info as possible in the title will really help. Hope you can find some.

I'm in SC and have 3 Mallards, so I'm no help to you! Best of luck though, they are very nice ducks.

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