Pekin nibbles


Apr 23, 2023
I am a never before duck owner and I have four Pekin ducks 3-4 weeks old and I noticed that they are full on nibbling our fingers. It does not hurt. They nibble my two and half year olds fingers and he laughs saying they tickle. My question is, is this something they do or something we should not let continue in case they really do bite and it hurt? They do let us pick them up and hold them and they enjoy being petted. We play with them inside and outside and just love on them. I just don’t want their biting to become aggressive.
Ducklings love nibbly nibbly. I found that juveniles are still fond of nibbling but now my closely bonded drake is nearly 2 years old, nibbly nibbly has become bitey bitey. He is biting me demanding attention. After weeks of figuring this out, I found that if he sits on my lap -- he prefers standing on my left forearm but I am a weakling and have to lay it along my sitting lap -- he has reverted back to nibbly nibbly. He preens my hair again and nibbles my necklace if I wear one and nibbles my sleepers in my ear. It seems to me his biting was domination behavior and when he is my height as he is standing on my lap, he knows he is king duck and is happy to go back to nibbly nibbly.

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