Pekin or Aylesbury?


5 Years
Jun 21, 2018
QLD Australia
I hatched these ducks 11 weeks ago. I ordered Pekin but I had a lot of people tell me they think they are Aylesbury. I'm in Australia and they were purchased as hatching eggs from a breeder, sadly I have lost their contact details so unable to ask if they keep Aylesbury as well.
So far no quacks so I feel they are all boys and wanting to know what breed of girls to look for
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I don't think they are Pekin their bills aren't the right color. They are gorgeous ducks.

Do you have White Layers in AU? if not then most likely Aylesbury.
I don't think they are Pekin their bills aren't the right color. They are gorgeous ducks.

Do you have White Layers in AU? if not then most likely Aylesbury.

No we don't, our commercial layers are Indian Runners and Khaki Campbells. Meat birds are Pekin, Muscovy and Aylesbury
The pink bills differentiate them from Pekins. Aylesbury are very rare -- you are lucky to have them. I would give it another 3 or 4 weeks before you make a certain determination of their sex.

The photo is of my son's pekins with their distinctive yellow beaks and orange legs and feet. The laying female's bills have faded a bit over the laying season but are still distinctly yellow just not as deeply coloured as the drake's


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