Pekin Thread, anyone?

Thanks for the advice. I've also been told that I should have bonded more with the female "Donald " and not the male. Have you ever heard that? When they where ducklings I thought Donald was the male and Pip Squeak was the female. It wasn't til Donald started quacking that I figured out I had it backwards. They are definitly very trainable they have caught my routine very quickly. I have had Doberman's beforeand am very familiar with pack mentality. I guess I need to be leader of the flock. Lol.
 I read that it depends on how much carotene is in the ducks diet. The more carotene the more orange the bill. I could be wrong though, I'm new to ducks still. All of ours seem to have similar bill color...
 I think you may be right I was thinking it was some kind of vitamin also. My ducks eat some peas and some greens but they are not their favorites. Well not Georges any way she loves tomatoes also, but she gets really excited about mill worms. She wouldn't eat watermelon and some say theirs like corn, they just throw the cob and all out, but she wouldn't even try that.

Talk about fuzzy butts It's really hard to get a head shot of her she hates my IPad. When she sees it she starts going the other way.
I don't about the carotene. I have 3 Pekins. All from the same hatch. From the beginning one always had a paler beak. They all eat the same foods. And even now at almost 18 weeks old- same thing. 2 have rich orange beaks and the 1 still has a pale one. She is just as hearty as the other 2 and actually I think a favorite of the male Pekin. ;) I do find it intriguing though- seems so weird!
Thanks for the advice. I've also been told that I should have bonded more with the female "Donald " and not the male. Have you ever heard that? When they where ducklings I thought Donald was the male and Pip Squeak was the female. It wasn't til Donald started quacking that I figured out I had it backwards. They are definitly very trainable they have caught my routine very quickly. I have had Doberman's beforeand am very familiar with pack mentality. I guess I need to be leader of the flock. Lol.
Yes I know what you mean. My husband was raised around Dobes. And we have a Rottweiler. I knew from the beginning I had to be 'big' and in charge at all times. Rotties are sweet but they are constantly testing for a slip in your dominance! I think if you can manage Dobes you are going to set Pip Squeak in her place in no time flat! hehe
I was just doing a little online research on bill colors and came across Lutein most interestingly it talks of certain foods which have higher carotene levels kale, dandelions, turpin greens all being very high in this. It seems that ducks may show individual preferences to foods and thus some have different color bills. Lutein is latin for luteus meaning yellow. It is also what helps to make egg yolk more yellow in color. I would imagine after some serious laying a ducks bill would become less orange as well because of the increase of carotene going into the eggs. I've got my ducks used to the camera sitting in with them with it on my lap, and taking pictures slowly. They are used to it now, dandelion even tries to nibble at the lens...those are cute pics let me tell you!
I read that it depends on how much carotene is in the ducks diet. The more carotene the more orange the bill. I could be wrong though, I'm new to ducks still. All of ours seem to have similar bill color...
I think you may be right I was thinking it was some kind of vitamin also. My ducks eat some peas and some greens but they are not their favorites. Well not Georges any way she loves tomatoes also, but she gets really excited about mill worms. She wouldn't eat watermelon and some say theirs like corn, they just throw the cob and all out, but she wouldn't even try that.
Talk about fuzzy butts It's really hard to get a head shot of her she hates my IPad. When she sees it she starts going the other way.

I don't about the carotene. I have 3 Pekins. All from the same hatch. From the beginning one always had a paler beak. They all eat the same foods. And even now at almost 18 weeks old- same thing. 2 have rich orange beaks and the 1 still has a pale one. She is just as hearty as the other 2 and actually I think a favorite of the male Pekin. ;) I do find it intriguing though- seems so weird!
Do they have different favorite treats at all? What do they eat? I would be interested to know if the one with a pale bill lays more often? Was her bill as pale before laying? Just curious. So far all of mine have the same bill color, but they do have turnip greens, dandelions and watercress as a overnight snack just about every night. I keep the greens in with them. Today we gave them grapes as a snack, everyone enjoyed it except Dandelion who was right in my lap. She'd take one in her bill and spit it back out but so excited to be close during treat time that her head has doing that cute neck vibrating thing. I call it duck purring.
The babies, Turner and Tucker, enjoying their new pond ... gotta say that two free ducks cost me one heck of a pretty penny for this double waterfall pond but the family is sure loving it! Total of about 600 gallons and the filter moves 5000 gallons an hour so it is staying very clean with a skimmer and bottom filter. Adding the healthy bacteria next week and it should be good to go with only 1 or 2 water changes per year.

My bride enjoying the babies when they were younger


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