Pekin Thread, anyone?

What a great thread, Pekin ducks are not boring at all! Ours have wonderful personalities and are already showing individual preferences and traits.
I read that it depends on how much carotene is in the ducks diet. The more carotene the more orange the bill. I could be wrong though, I'm new to ducks still. All of ours seem to have similar bill color...
It is funny that your pekins won't swim under water, ours love diving! Not as often as our cayugas, but they especailly love chasing after little goldfish. It is hillarious watching there butts. I think they just have the most funny bottoms! Our girl Dandelion was making a quack noise at a week old, loud and proud. I really enjoy how silly and clumsy they get when they are excited. If I have a tomato for them, it's like they get so excited they forget how to walk.

Here are my 3 Pekins Iris, Dandelion and Basil. They are 8 weeks old and I love them so much -

This is Iris, she is not as loud as Dandy but still quite vocal, she is always smiling, so pretty. She loves bananas and will ensure noone takes her peice, haha

This is Dandelion, when she was a week old her voice starting changing. She is one of our head ducks always making sure all 7 ducks or the other group is around. She is also very much imprinted onto both my husband and I. She always lets us know when she wants a treat or the water changed.

Basil, he is quiet, sweet and very clean. He only eats watermelon if it is cut so he won't get his chest pink.(everyone else just goes crazy for it cut in half) He tries to keep himself tidy even when he is foraging on rainy days. He often pairs up with Iris and they go off foraging together, two white butts making quiet chirping noises when they find a surprise!
Gotta say our babies LOVE watermellon ... it has to be their favorite followed closely by steamed squash and zuccini!
I have 2, and they're certainly sassy about their treats to say the least. Pink, my drake, on the left, and Princess on the right. My 3 yr old daughter named both, and I just went with it.

i thought i was the only person to have a pekin named princess my daughter also named her/him
You know the egg laying thing could have something to do with it also. George has lived with me since Dec and she didn't lay for a couple weeks at first but she hasn't missed a day since. She has never had the really dark orange bill, but it seems like it has gotten a little lighter colored lately. She is such a picky eater though and doesn't really like a lot of dark green veggies. Since its been so hot she stays in the creek and I guess she get full down there, because she hasn't really even eaten but a few bits of kale. Kale was the one green veggie she liked a little. She does like eggs but it just seems wrong to feed them to her even though they are not fertile.
The babies, Turner and Tucker, enjoying their new pond ... gotta say that two free ducks cost me one heck of a pretty penny for this double waterfall pond but the family is sure loving it! Total of about 600 gallons and the filter moves 5000 gallons an hour so it is staying very clean with a skimmer and bottom filter. Adding the healthy bacteria next week and it should be good to go with only 1 or 2 water changes per year.

My bride enjoying the babies when they were younger

Huh Cheerios I never tried those my picky duck might like those
My daughters and bride spoil them ... they do get regular duck feed (not sure what kind) but they go nuts for watermellon and steamed squash and zucchini ... tried scambled eggs once but thought that was a bit strange!

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