Hi I am a new member have read articles on here about soft shell eggs but needed to find out more info. My eking is aobut 8 months old both her and my male. I feed them the same lay crumbles I feed my chickens plus give them corn I have given her some oyster shells numerous times. I have once had her lay hard shell eggs and then all of a sudden they all come out looking like rubber read something about they need calcium but what kind of food would I need to get for them that would supply the right amount of calcium. They free roam my land they love the pond and spen 90% down there now lso have a small pool for them and notice sometimes when bad weather looks like it is moving in they come u by the pool and stay there I guess till weather clears up. Just cannot figure it out now so Please any help will be welcome . U live in MIssissippi TY for any info
I know Pekings do not set but if I can get hard shell eggs I can hatch
I know Pekings do not set but if I can get hard shell eggs I can hatch