Pellets or Crumbles?

They will eventually eat the pellets, they just prefer the crumbles, but they waste too much. I used to feed a layer and all my roosters that ate it were dead by age 4, those that don't eat layer will live longer, so far my oldest are 7, so I assume they will live a more normal lifespan. I also found that my birds become protein deficit on a layer, so an All Flock is a good all around ration, with a protein content of 18-20%. When I'm adding new chicks to the group I put out a dish of non medicated grower that everyone can eat until the young ones can eat pellets.
Oh wow, that's a huge difference, i.e.: lifespan! Any particular brand you recommend? I usually shop TSC, but I have many options out here to different feed stores. I do give them "treats" daily, at minimum hard boiled eggs (they loved it as chicks so I keep some in the fridge just for them), but weekly they get cabbage, lettuce, corn, rice, at times plain pasta, old chicken fryers to pick (I know, ugh! lol), scratch, mealworms.... I basically clean out the fridge, what the other animals don't eat goes to them, if they can have it.
We do have a feed mill here that makes a "chicken feed", either pelleted or crumbled, but they also make a "chicken mix" that has corn, seeds, pellets, etc. Is there an advantage to one over the other?
I don't know where you are located? Here in the Midwest we have a brand called Sprout, sold and made by Fleet Farm. I wouldn't use the TSC brands as they seem to be a lower quality. I tried Dumor once and nothing would eat it. Your feed should smell good enough for you to eat. Lots of folks use Purina, but I can't recommend anything beyond what I've used or tried.

With your extra treats I would definitely feed a higher to protein to keep their daily intake up. Your birds will do well on it year round.

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