pelletted lime


Flock Mistress
12 Years
Jan 1, 2008
Is it good for stink? And is it safe for chickens? I went to the corner store expecting to get powdered lime because that is all I ever got there before. He comes out with pelletted and thats all hes got. Seeing how I already paid for it I took it home. Now I am wondering if it is good for anything and if it may harm my chickens. Thanks
As long as it isn't Hydrated lime, it ought to be ok. They will probably pick at a piece and spit it out - I doubt they'd eat much of it.

It is supposed to take the stink out within 24 hours (unless it is REALLY super wet and icky) but the pelleted might take a little longer to break down - the powdered kind would most likely work faster.

I have a couple of bags, myself, to put into the duck coops when I clean them out. Believe me, it needs it!!!

thanks Mojo

Tis the season for stink

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