Pelvic bone width reduced!!


Aug 31, 2018
Kerala, India
Hello...Earlier i had posted about my 4 hens stopped laying for about 3-4 weeks...Well one of them started laying 1 week ago... The rest 3 are still not laying. So today i just checked their vents and found that the width between their pelvic bones was less than 2 finger width which was earlier above 2 finger width when they were laying. Can the pelvic bone width reduce like this?If so what might be the reason?
Here is a possible explaination:
Molting season/ and winter in the northern hemisphere.
Days are short.
Less light.

Their hormones have switched off temporarily.

Have you noticed their combs and wattles are pale also?
(Their face might be as well.)
Here is a possible explaination:
Molting season/ and winter in the northern hemisphere.
Days are short.
Less light.

Their hormones have switched off temporarily.

Have you noticed their combs and wattles are pale also?
(Their face might be as well.)
I'm actually in the tropics(India).. Here there isn't much shortening of the day(Still a little).
Yes one of thier comb have gone a little pale recently.. My other 2 hens' combs are actually black..
Yes their hormones may have switched off since it's the winter season.But no feather loss...So can it be molting?.. Still i can't believe their bone structure can shrink like that.. Does that occur to your hens?
Hormones do crazy things!
With one of mine it’s been as if she reverted back to the pullet stage entirely.

Hi there and welcome to BYC by the way. :frow
How many chickens do you have?
What do you feed your flock? I have two friends in India and feeding their birds is a challenge.
Hormones do crazy things!
With one of mine it’s been as if she reverted back to the pullet stage entirely.

Hi there and welcome to BYC by the way. :frow
How many chickens do you have?
What do you feed your flock? I have two friends in India and feeding their birds is a challenge.
Hello there...Oh so this was common?...Phew...
I have currently 6 chickens (1 roo, 5 hens) and 12 chicks in the brooder.. I feed them some locally available feeds, food left overs etc.. and also they are free ranged. That should give them some greens and bugs..:)

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