Pennsylvania Chickenstock CLARION TSC April 28, 2012

looks like it could be a nice swap up there in clairon.was kinda disapointed at the fayette country swap last weekend.The show was pretty nice but not many venders.Was into bantams for many years and moved to larger breeds(more hawk resistent).i would like to get back in to the little ones again.cochins or seabrights Anyone going to the swap in clairon with some birds,peeps or maybe nice adult pairs or trios.
I believe that zookeeper may have mentioned having some cochins that she was bringing, but it could have been someone else too. Hope that you can make it!
I'll be bringing some Mottled Cochins and some Black and White Frizzle Cochin Bantams. Also I just checked the incubator and I'll have some spare chicks and goslings.
I was thinking about coming. Didn't have anything to swap, but I am looking for certain chicks. I now know I won't be able to make it because my nephew's birthday party is that day, and I can't miss that. Can I list here what I am looking for and have people PM me if they have them so maybe I can get what I want without ordering from a hatchery?
I was thinking about coming. Didn't have anything to swap, but I am looking for certain chicks. I now know I won't be able to make it because my nephew's birthday party is that day, and I can't miss that. Can I list here what I am looking for and have people PM me if they have them so maybe I can get what I want without ordering from a hatchery?

Sure, list what your looking for. Maybe someone will have it.
I'm going to try and make it. I'll know for sure in a couple of days. I'll have 2 breeder/possible SQ White Silkie Roos and my whole flock (about 8) of BBS I'm wanting to sell. I'm also thinking about selling a Lav roo I got from Darling Farms. I need to make room for a project I'm doing :eek:)

I'M LOOKING FOR::: Anything that will lay colored eggs. Ameraucana, Easter Egger, for Blue eggs and a Maran for chocolate eggs. I "prefer" started birds but if I have to I'll get chicks. They don't have to be breeder quality...these will just be for pets & to eat the something healthy & cheap lol.

I'm also worried about bringing home mites. I had bought a Silkie, shipped, and when she arrived she was infested with mites. I was very disappointed in the seller for not mentioning it but....anyways. I thought I had it under control after being quarentined & treated for awhile. Well it spread to my whole flock. I finally got it under control and I'm not noticing a problem. Now, I do want to mention that the Lav roo that I'm thinking about selling had them pretty bad. While I got them under control, he still has some and I have him quarentined. If anybody is interested in him I can take some pics and bring him along in a seperate cage. He lost some feather around his eyes/head but they'll grow back. He really is a gorgeous boy...I'll have to see if I have pics from before.


Thanks :D
I will see what I get on my cream legbars if anyone is interested. Due to hatch this weekend and project legbar/maran eggs also due to hatch this weekend. I'll have some pekins, and my friend sent me eggs that are due to hatch the 22nd and they are purebred but a big mixture of stuff so will bring some of those. Hopefully I'll be able to tell what they are. There may be standard polish if they hatch by then also.

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