Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Well Everyone, I suppose I should share with you what I'm getting Into.

After years of wanting my own chickens, the dream is finally coming true. After conspiring with my mother in law, who is a chicken enthusiast, she told me of a huge chicken swap meet that is going on this weekend down in Virginia (where she lives). She is the proud mom of a flock of 30-some odd birds, and is going to replace some of her older girls who aren't laying as much these days.She told me about it and I got all hyped up!!!!

I am a civil war reenactor, and I have a huge interest on historic breeds and I asked her to look for Delaware Blues and Dominiques for me. However, I am starting out small (Just 4 ladies), and i really had to fight with my husband over this one, so I had to pull out the big guns...It is my first mother's day, and I used that as leverage against my husband! So this weekend my little babies should be coming home, and we are building a coop. its kinda rush-rush, as it all happened at once, but I am confident that we will get it done. My husband is handy, and lovely neighbor has his own flock. He has 2 Rhode Island Reds, 3 Pearl Leghorns, 2 barred plymoth rocks, and one gold laced bantam.

I will keep you all updated if i get my historic breeds!!!
Hello and welcome Winters!

Hey question for those folks near me. Would anyone be interested in incubating some sebrights for me for a portion of the hatch? I don't have a bator yet, but I wanna try getting some babies off my pair.
Ok, so I'm confused (it doesn't take much). Are you located in the ginormous red dot? And is the smaller red dot in Jersey? If so, you're a good 3-4 hours from me. I'm way down the bottom, can practically walk to Maryland -but I'd have to want to REAL bad.

Hello and welcome Commando!

Missy, wish you lived closer. I love to hatch. We're getting some English Orp eggs next week, my son is going to incubate them at his school, I really hope I get a splash!

Green Dragon again last night, got a new cage -and dodged more than a few Amish in buggies and on bicycles in a downpour, very odd.


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