Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

So the other day, a car pulls into the driveway, and it's neighbors from 1 street over. "Are you missing one of your roosters?" Seems while we were in Myrtle Beach a bantam rooster showed up in the area, he's been wandering around in peoples yards. I said, no we were away, and ours were all locked up (plus, I only have 1 bantam, and he makes sure I know he's alive and well!) So last night, Fiancee gets an email from one of the township supervisors. Same question! LOL Guess I'm gonna go adopt another roo.

I wonder if it's that Free Craig's List Bantam Rooster... if so, Missy, watch yer ankles!

For all those who keep getting sick, mix up a batch of Super Tonic: Equal parts grated onion, garlic, ginger, horseradish and some FRESH cayenne pepper or the hottest pepper you can get. Pour in some Braggs Apple Cider vinegar to fill the bottle. Leave in a cool, dark place for 2 weeks. Strain and drink 1-2 tsp several times a day. You'll clear right up, and it helps with nausea too.
I believe Kiomey is going, she goes to their meetings.

Seriously? Are you trying to kill us? or keep us SOOO stinky we can't possibly spread any germs, people will give us a WIDE berth.

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