Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

You know what, better yet, I would love a box of chocolate runner ducklings!
mmm.. Chocolate, Chocolate bunnys, Ducks, Lambs!! YUM (But your guys are talking real animals right? LOL)
So I'm considering getting a rooster.... I have 17 hens, 7 in one coop/ run and 10 in another. Any advice? I have EE, silver laced Wyandotte, buff Orpington, red sex link and white leghorn mix. Should I get a roo that is old enough to add to current flock? I'm worried about getting a mean roo.... Advice? Love my EE's....
I have 3 That need homes!! YOU CAN HAVE THEM!! 2 Langshan, 1 bantum, very pretty boy!! All Very nice and calm :)
Ok yu emu people found this on Craigslist!!
OMG!! You guys are crazy!! HAHA!!
The only good thing about this weather is that hubby has backed off from hounding me about not having the garden planned out yet

And the few eggs that I never made it over to eli's with are set in my bator,,,hubby got it out of the closet and even set it up, he said there's no use wasting the eggs........
now hopefully they can find homes if they hatch, my record with hatching ducks is not good and these are call ducks....Eli and joan will have first picks, then I will offer whatever hatches to other byc'ers really cheap....whatever is left will end up at auction......i also snuck in 6 turkey eggs, hubby has not noticed them yet.
I thought you are cutting back on your chickens? lol
Sally & Harmony are in it to win it for sure.
I tried to think of ideas for it, and NADA!
Wowsers.. is there going to be a new show TLC.. Chicks N Tiaras? hehe

I think I am getting this coop for free.. Just waiting on confirmation! But if I do it looks like she has 5-6 Langhorn Hens, I wont want them so if anyone is interested, once she gets back to me we can set something up..
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[COLOR=0000FF]I give them meal worms right away. Although….they don't always know what to do with them. But once one of them figures it out, they ALL want it.[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]By the way, not everyone hates the snow: [/COLOR]
I'd love to play outside with her!! Always fun playing with the dogs in the snow! Mine loves it too!! You ready for tomorrow.?? I know I am :) I beat you can't wait to get that roo off your hands!!
Sally & Harmony are in it to win it for sure.
I tried to think of ideas for it, and NADA!
LOL I sorta felt bad, she is holding the contest and only 2 people submitted so I made a last minute decision to add to it : (
Do something! ANYTHING its easy just snap pics everynow and then upload and add words lol
I give them meal worms right away. Although….they don't always know what to do with them. But once one of them figures it out, they ALL want it.

By the way, not everyone hates the snow:

looks like my two...they were going nuts outside this morning i had to drag them back in cause they were out for like an hour and i didnt want them getting to cold...and now they keep standing by the door cause they want to go out...
Well I found a way to drop 15 lbs real fast ... but it isn't pleasant!

After spending the past 6 days violently sick and then finally having the energy to surf the web only to see something like 4 zillion unread messages, and reading all (ok most) of them, I have come to the inescapable conclusion that you are all NUTS!

But it was really nice to read your posts.

Keep up the good work!
Well I found a way to drop 15 lbs real fast ... but it isn't pleasant!

After spending the past 6 days violently sick and then finally having the energy to surf the web only to see something like 4 zillion unread messages, and reading all (ok most) of them, I have come to the inescapable conclusion that you are all NUTS!

But it was really nice to read your posts. :celebrate

Keep up the good work!

Glad you're better...and glad we could entertain you.

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