Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Welcome from Northeastern PA to all of the newcomers. I'm fairly new to chickens and the site also, but have already recieved so much valuable information. Right now I've been busy trying to finish my coop. I have 7 week old chicks in a spare room. Somewhere on a thread I read that they needed to be kept inside for that long and wasn't really rushed to finish the coop. Bah, they should have been outside 4 weeks ago. I can't WAIT to get them in the coop and move them out of the house.

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Welcome from Northeastern PA to all of the newcomers. I'm fairly new to chickens and the site also, but have already recieved so much valuable information. Right now I've been busy trying to finish my coop. I have 7 week old chicks in a spare room. Somewhere on a thread I read that they needed to be kept inside for that long and wasn't really rushed to finish the coop. Bah, they should have been outside 4 weeks ago. I can't WAIT to get them in the coop and move them out of the house.

Welcome from Northeastern PA to all of the newcomers. I'm fairly new to chickens and the site also, but have already recieved so much valuable information. Right now I've been busy trying to finish my coop. I have 7 week old chicks in a spare room. Somewhere on a thread I read that they needed to be kept inside for that long and wasn't really rushed to finish the coop. Bah, they should have been outside 4 weeks ago. I can't WAIT to get them in the coop and move them out of the house.


Time does fly doesn't it? My coop turned out beautifully, then we added a mini coop to the backside for Silkies and Seramas . By the time we got to putting up the runs my husbands enthusiasm had waned. I laughed the other day pulling in and said it looks like we built a mansion in a bad neighborhood. Everything is crooked! He built the gate CROOKED to fit in the crooked opening, on purpose! Point being we've been feeling the rush of having to get the chickies OUT. Chicks in the laundry room, chicks in the living room, and two batches out! Hubby is constantly reminding me that my hobby is creating work for him. Maybe so, but he's still fixing that gate!
Checking in from south eastern PA - good to see so many fellow PA chicken raisers out there!
Plus I just learned about Lavender Orpingtons!

Hello Denise!! It's good to see a fellow Southeasterner,
and don't even get me started on the Lavender Orpingtons. LOVE THEM.
Welcome DeniseL! Newlin Twp Here, we're neighbors!!

Gardeningmama, your post Cracked Me Up! sounds like my life, only DH looks the other way, and lets me figure it out. Chicken Poo and Dust have spurred a sudden interest in construction, I'm on a first name basis with the boys at Lowe's. I hate the ones that look at me like, "Say little lady, are you lost? The gardening section's on the other side." So the next project on my list is a 'real' brooder. I got eggs in the bator!!

Heather, where is this auction that you speak of? I can hardly resist an auction. It's sad but true. Love to go, but can't bid to save my life.

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