Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

[COLOR=800080]Gotta agree wholeheartedly with that statement. I'm in it for the joy of it, the eggs are a nice bonus![/COLOR]

I sold 2 dozen eggs today for $1 each. I ain't doin it for the money, that's for sure!!!! Haha!!! It really is pure joy each day when I get home from work to go to the barn and 5-6 eggs each doesn't get old at all!!!
TWO LOTS OF GOOD NEWS! First- Lil baby Si, the hurt chick I got from TSC.....yeah, well he is showing great signs of improvement today and FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER, he ran a little!!! He has barely been able to walk! He's just making leaps and bounds and I think he may have a good chance!!! Also climbed up my shoulder to snuggle in my neck on his own today!!!!!! I LOVE HIM SO MUCH! And whatever happens now, I don't regret any of this! The other 6 banties I got to keep him company all snuggle with him and cuddle, and I think all this love is what is pulling him through!!!
Second- 3 eggs have pipped!!! TEEHEE!
I swear, guys, i got so excited, I started Lamaze breathing......then I realized it was stupid cuz I wasn't actually giving birth........BUT WHATEVER!!! I just can't believe how wonderful!!
Great day in deed, Happy Hatching!! Remember just breathe they will do the rest ;)
hey.. im doing an assignment and i need to know if buy eggs in a supermarket
is cheaper than have chickens and them producing eggs.... can anyone HELP
me... please
I was just at the store and and most of the brown, cage free eggs are close to $4 a dozen. One "organic" cage free was $4 for 6. Yikes! The quality of the under $2 a dozen white eggs from the suppermarket has no comparison to that of fresh eggs from a backyard flock. So i think if you are going to buy the "organic" (even though most of the time it isn't actually organic) cage free eggs at at least $4 a dozen. If you say a dozen eggs a week, that is $16 a month for stor bought eggs that are still not as good as fresh back yard eggs. If you have 2 hens, you will get about a dozen eggs a week and if you don't free range and just give them laying mash you should go through about 1/2lb of food per day for 2 chickens (1/4lb each) so that is 15lbs of food a month. a 50lb bag of high quality feed is about $16 around here. So you still have $ to get scratch and oystershell and grit. So I think the answer is YES you CAN save money if you are going to buy the higher quality eggs at the grocery store. Like everything else, the cost of start up is more, but if you spread it out, i think it would even out and still save money. If you don't care a bout egg quality and want to pay $1.50 a dozen for "eggs" that have no flavor than... No. BUT chickens don't just give you eggs. They eat bugs so they can help you keep the cost of pesticides down, they eat grass so you might not have to mow as much and there poop is great fertilizer so you won't have to BUY fertilizer for your garden or plants. And if you feed them scraps from the kitchen you can save even more on food.
[COLOR=FF0000]BLARNEY!! YOU ARE A GODMOM!!! First baby just hatched!!! other 3 are pipped!!! I AM A MOMMY!!!!! (AGAIN).[/COLOR]
Woo Hoo! Awesome, I can't wait to see em fluffed! and aren't I the Grandmom? I mean, their 'birth mothers' are my babies so...And, I don't remember a christening, so...?
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Quote: I use mostly recycled materials but my eggs certainly don't pay for feed. My comment was made based on cost of birds, feed, supplies, etc & JUST profit from egg sales (which was the question-Is it cheaper to raise chickens for eggs or buy them from the store.) Most definitely cheaper to buy eggs, but that's not the reason most of us have chickens. I answered the question that was asked.

Quote: I charge $3 for 12 chicken eggs & $3 for 6 duck eggs for eating eggs. Feed still costs more per month than if I sold every egg as an eating egg. Once again, I don't raise chickens to make a profit from the eggs. I make more profit hatching & selling babies or selling hatching eggs.

Quote: The Amish girl up the road & I both sell our eggs for $3 for 12 for eating eggs. Cheaper than the store even just for brown eggs.
Wayyy to many posts to go threw them all!!!

But any how I have 2 baby pheasants.. one already tried to commit sucide... twice! Once by sneaking into the duck side of the cage and jumping into the water bowl... 2nd it ran to the duck side when I was cleaning and the goose stood on it.. in the feed dish!!! Now its in a perm spot and secure!! Little buggers!
[COLOR=FF0000]BLARNEY!! YOU ARE A GODMOM!!! First baby just hatched!!! other 3 are pipped!!! I AM A MOMMY!!!!! (AGAIN).[/COLOR]
Wayyy to many posts to go threw them all!!! But any how I have 2 baby pheasants.. one already tried to commit sucide... twice! Once by sneaking into the duck side of the cage and jumping into the water bowl... 2nd it ran to the duck side when I was cleaning and the goose stood on it.. in the feed dish!!! Now its in a perm spot and secure!! Little buggers!
I assume you've named it Adventurer?

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