Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Love My Duckies!! The Cuckoo D'Anver chicks are adorable too, but won't stay still for a pic!!
OMG!!! So cute!!

They always seem to have such a flirty/cute little expression on their face, like they are just wondering what mischief they can get into next and it is amusing them!
On the quail sexing, I'm thinking all three are hens. The beaks on the tuxes generally give away genders, and I'm thinking darker is male. It's been a few years since I've had tuxes, so it might be opposite, lol.
Wing m what do they charge for a space in there? The couple times I went, I wasn't support impressed. Mostly businesses that are at all the markets. But at least I can visit!
not sure of the price to set up,,,,we were approached by one of the sponsors I guess you would call them...anyway they are trying to get more locals to set up with homegrown type things.
I have only gone a few times and it was to take my mother, it's more of an outing for her, atleast it gets her up and moving,,,there's alot of the elderly in town that seem to do the same thing.
just something we are tossing around since hubby will be laid off atleast for the summer.
I do not think selling them as hatching eggs would work, that would gross some people out... thought about saying,,,,you are buying the carton, eggs are a bonus


Poked around and found these two links...both seem to say the same thing though the second link is about 10yrs old (check the blue highlighted section)

the main points are: kept at 60 degrees, date layed, marked keep refrigerated, within 100 miles of you house.

I think selling meat chickens is would probably need a lot of stainless steel for processing (knew somebody that wanted to sell rabbit meat) two cents......
Yay!!! I have 3 of the 4 chicks that are earmarked to be "true pets" (the number keeps going up) trained to jump up on my lap to get treats. The fourth is too small to jump up but it tries. It's so cute when Peanut does try though, I feel bad for our runt, but I can't help but laugh at the same time.
I thought this was funny...gave the girls their first canalope....cut it open in their pen (its open all day and their food is inside).....well, they were afraid of it....wouldn't go in their pen to get the crumble food...I had to hand feed them some seeds to get them to realize this is the good stuff...go figure.

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