Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I would be careful handling racoons, they can carry a parsite that can be transfered to humans even if they are dead and you come in cotact with it. When i was in college we could bring in road kill for my one class for extra credit (werid and gross I know) but we couldnt bring these guys in for that reason..

wow...what school....extra credit for road kill...geez, bet it was hard to make new friends carrying dead critters around campus with

wow...what school....extra credit for road kill...geez, bet it was hard to make new friends carrying dead critters around campus with

^ lol!

Well, when I went to close up the coops tonight, my count came up 1 short. One of my Australorps is missing. I guess there is a slight chance she is hiding somewhere sitting on eggs but if she is, I'm not sure she will survive with all the predators around here. Maybe she will be around n the morning or maybe I will see her with chicks in 3 weeks but I am not optimistic about that. I searched the property but didn't find any piles of feathers. Even though I have (had) 34 birds, I still hate losing any. Cross your fingers for me that she turns up!

Having the same issue here. My one silkie went MIA. Now I'm down to only one :( hope you have better luck than me. This is the 4th bird in the last 4-5 months that went missing while free ranging.

[COLOR=0000FF]We are taking the plunge and heading to New York for the show in Bath.  It's a combo show, 2 poultry clubs, 2 shows, one weekend.  Anyone else in? The entries need to be post marked by tomorrow.  I know this is last minute, but I had a hard time committing as we really don't have anything in 'show shape'.  We're going anyway, only showing 4 birds are looking forward to seeing new breeders and having the kids do showmanship.  Here's a little article on it:  [/COLOR] tIER pOULTRY cLUB 2013.PDF

[COLOR=0000FF]and a web site...[/COLOR]

Have fun!

Been MIA for a little while now, hubbys "friend" from Oklahoma that he got a job for up & quit a week ago, so has been left without a helper for work. Hubby has had the past 6 days off as RDO's he was going to go back to work this morning but didn't as he didn't feel well, probably cause of stress.

So we integrated the girls a week earlier, while hubby was here. There were a few expected squabbles but over all they get along well now.

Fearless, one of my barred rock girls thought she'd like to free range this morning so she jumped the fence while we were sitting out near the run having coffee, nibbled on some grass then hopped back into the run. So hubby got up & opened the gate to the run & let them all out, they had a ball exploring the yard!!

I'll post some pics later as for some reason it won't let me do it from my phone.

Hi to all the new people & those with chickens missing, I hope they come back!!

Was this the friend that was going to stay with you too?
I don't know what to do. When I let the chickens out yesterday morning I noticed the one silkie missing (they are all white so when I do my head count at night it's easy to count the same one twice). She has been free ranging alone since the other silkie is in the garage, crated with the chicks. All the birds free range together but our only adult rooster stays with the leghorn girls and can care less about the others. She hasn't started laying since the chicks hatched (she was keeping the other silkie company). This is the 4th bird that went missing in the last 4-5 months. We have 8 acres, mostly wooded. In the spring my favorite silkie went missing and hubby found her in the woods far from the coop. We searched last night but we didn't find anything. Hubby doesn't want them free ranging anymore. He said we are throwing money away every time one goes missing. I agree and I'm attached to my birds so obviously I don't want them hurt BUT I want them to free range. The run is too small to keep them in all day. When he builds the new one we could keep them in but I still want them to free range. To those of you who let your birds out how many do you lose on average?
To those of you with horses- about how much money do you spend in upkeep per horse per month (if you keep them in your own stable)?
I have seen prices for stable keeping at 800/ month!
(this is all just out of curiosity, won't own a horse for at least ten years lol)
wow...what school....extra credit for road kill...geez, bet it was hard to make new friends carrying dead critters around campus with
Shippensburg. It was my mammolgy class. We had to skin and stuff 2 or 3 animals for the class. I dont remember why we had to. That was almost 3 years ago
(wish i was still in college best years ever)
My Australorp was NOT waiting outside the coops this morning. I looked around for a bit before having to leave for work but no luck. No piles of feathers and no chicken sitting on eggs in the bushes. At the top of the hill for the last 50 feet or so of my property directly behind the coops, it is all woods, brush and berry bushes. She could be back in there and I would NEVER find her. I have lost a birds in the past for one reason or another but I have never lost one during the day while free ranging. Not one. My coops are like fort knox at night and I try to keep them as safe as possible but I guess my luck had to run out. I will still hold out hope for her to come strolling back in after about 3 weeks with some new chicks. Thank you everyone for the well wishes! And MyPeeps, I hope yours returns with some chicks or you can get it figured.

Was this the friend that was going to stay with you too?

Yeah he was living with us for 2 months, made about $4200 working with hubby, got hubbys work to fly him back to Oklahoma so he could get his car and drive back then sent a txt to hubby and hubbys boss saying he quit. skipped out in $200 rent here, took our sons suitcase, ate like a pig here.

If we ever go back to oklahoma to visit I'm tracking him down and kicking his teeth in.

he wouldn't even answer calls from hubby to find out where to mail his stuff so I'm selling it!!

Anyone want to buy black carhartt cover alls brand new never worn for $100, they are a 44 regular in size, retail $169
thx Britt, i have friends there, also were doin a barn roof on Coon road behind you near Biglerville
WOOOOO HOOOOOO!!! I found my Australorp in the weeds not 15 feet from the coop...sitting on at least a dozen eggs!!!

Ok, so here is my question; since I am afraid of predators getting her, should I move her to a next box inside of a coop or leave her alone? She survived last night out in the wild but that luck could run out. Help! What should I do??? This would be so much easier if she just would have gone broody in the coop.

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