Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Some people are strange when it comes to eggs. My mom has 8 siblings and none of them will take my eggs. They all think my eggs have "diseases" and every time I get a little sick or something they always say "must be those eggs you've been eating". My mom was like this too until recently. Funny thing is they all eat eggs from a caged hen farm which are probably more disease prone lol

I know people like that...the store eggs are cleaner and healthier. Doesn't matter if you can show them the research that free ranged eggs are healthier not only for those eating them, but also the chickens.
Same goes for darn near anything else you can grow or raise.

My Grandfather would have loved getting fresh eggs daily (and he did while he lived on the homestead) his wife and my other two grand parents not so much.
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I know people like that...the store eggs are cleaner and healthier. Doesn't matter if you can show them the research that free ranged eggs are healthier not only for those eating them, but also the chickens.
Same goes for darn near anything else you can grow or raise.

My Grandfather would have loved getting fresh eggs daily (and he did while he lived on the homestead) his wife and my other two grand parents not so much. 

Yes you are right. My moms family actually owns a produce market too and I've been trying to get them to bring in organic stuff but they say that it won't sell because of the higher price and they're actually somewhat against organic stuff too for some reason, even though again it's healthier and probably would sell because there's a higher demand for organic now. But oh well
What? We have to stay home to run around in our undies? Is this a new rule?

And gentlemen....I challenge you to take care of a sick man for only ONE day, then we'll talk about who is high maintenance.

Deer feces are officially off the dinner menu. Someone needs to tell my Yorkie.

Dad and I are sick at the same time. Which means mom is taking care of us. She informed me that dad complained and whined more about being sick than I did. And I had worse symptoms than him. Keep in mind I'm a teenage girl.
Thanks for the info on expanding my run area. I was looking at it and was thinking about making it 12'x12' instead. I think a little extra room will be great for them, and it covers me a little more in case my chicken math goes up again. Lol
Dad and I are sick at the same time. Which means mom is taking care of us. She informed me that dad complained and whined more about being sick than I did. And I had worse symptoms than him. Keep in mind I'm a teenage girl.
Keep that in mind for when you start dating LOL...

Thanks for the info on expanding my run area. I was looking at it and was thinking about making it 12'x12' instead. I think a little extra room will be great for them, and it covers me a little more in case my chicken math goes up again. Lol
What is this "in case" you speak of??? You mean there was an option to not add more birds?!?!?!
hahaha okay!!!

So I think I want 2 ducks in Spring. I want good layers. I want a breed generally on the small side. I've been checking out khaki campbells. Can they live with the chickens?

Our ducks and chickens do fine together, but the ducks definitely get the short end of the stick when it's treat time. I sneak treats to them after the chickens have gone to bed. It doesn't matter when I go outside I'm swarmed by birds, if the ducks haven't gone in their run that night. If they have they quack until I give them treats...brats!!
Not all of our ducks have been raised with chickens, some were adults when they came to us and did not mingle with chickens at their old homes, but the ones that had are bolder and more willing to chase the chickens if the treat's mealworms. Those things are chicken and duck crack, and they float so the ducks love them all the more. I shake that bottle and the chickens come running and all the ducks line up at the edge of the pond.
Dad and I are sick at the same time. Which means mom is taking care of us. She informed me that dad complained and whined more about being sick than I did. And I had worse symptoms than him. Keep in mind I'm a teenage girl.

Keep that in mind for when you start dating LOL...

Thanks for the info on expanding my run area. I was looking at it and was thinking about making it 12'x12' instead. I think a little extra room will be great for them, and it covers me a little more in case my chicken math goes up again. Lol

What is this "in case" you speak of??? You mean there was an option to not add more birds?!?!?!

LMAO Well i think there is that "option" lol. I dunno, it always just seems to happen here and i don't know how to stop it!!!! Blahahahhahaa
 I have asked quite a few questions on here lately...another one: how many people use molasses in their feed (layers)? Just wondering
...right now I am giving the big-girls a "pre-packaged" layer mix that I ferment with ACV&/ yeast, I am adding a few oats to their FF  when I dish it out...also...when we have "stale" cereal..the girls get that added in as well. We do not eat the sugary-kind..alot of shredded wheat/cherrios/honey-bunches odf oats...that kind of stuff. I am growing meal worms at this time, but they do take awhile to get built-up.....they also get veggies..what ever is around. Only as a "special" treat do they get a little bread. I know it really doesn't do much for them....
What else would be good to add/give them with the weather changing, and throughout the winter, that would help with their "energy" and laying production through the winter? Keep them in good health..:)  

LittleMissPurdy, why the AcV and yeast? So they have healthier fermented foods now? I've been hearing a lot about them lately for our health.

Does anyone know if feeding onions or garlic will create an "off" taste in eggs? I know that it can effect cow milk taste. Thanks!
Please send your thoughts and prayers to 3 Pocono Mountain school district boys that were injured in a car crash Tuesday night. 2 boys ( football players) are in critical condition. The car they were in was split in half due to the force of the accident. This is the car from the accident.


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