Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Please send your thoughts and prayers to 3 Pocono Mountain school district boys that were injured in a car crash Tuesday night. 2 boys ( football players) are in critical condition. The car they were in was split in half due to the force of the accident. This is the car from the accident.

Just say this on the news this sad
sad.png anyone is still "here" is amazing..look at that!!!.....thoughts to them and their families
Hi People,
I lurk more than post these days, but I wanted to put this out of the deadliest E. coli outbreaks ever was from unpasteurized apple cider...seems deer feces is a big problem; if fallen apples or apples mouthed by deer get in the batch, they multiply like crazy on the sugar from the apples. Be careful out there and trust your sources.

now that is nasty!!
.....I wash everything I can with soap & water...yes, berries/lettuce.etc....okay, yeah..I am "one of those", but I can not afford to get sick, especially the digestive stuff
....I don't know, would washing things clean off stuff like that??
LittleMissPurdy, why the AcV and yeast? So they have healthier fermented foods now? I've been hearing a lot about them lately for our health.

Does anyone know if feeding onions or garlic will create an "off" taste in eggs? I know that it can effect cow milk taste. Thanks!

yes...sometimes I do both...I like the way the yeast makes a "cake" like topping...haha, easier to spoon out...then when I get to the other stuff, I drain it first.
I heard of people using garlic to "worm" their birds..I have not personally done that...has anyone here used that method? and if so, how were your results??
they did not talk of "taste" altering....
FF -for chickens will keep their poopies nice and formed too, so easier clean up!!! and it also doesn't smell as bad...but you know poo smells like poo, is healthier for them them those "special" things in their digestive tract that they lack....correct me if I am wrong please
Went to the auction last night. Came home with 2 geese. I think they are Chinese and I think I have a male and a female. Not sure, was never very good at determining gender. Pictures will be posted soon.

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