Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

My pressure canner is an All American 921. The best thing about it is that it can hold 16 pint jars in one load. That's a very handy feature for things like chicken stock and tomato sauce.

I used to kill the large burners on my electric stove every few years becuase of overheating with a canner running all day. Now I have my dream stove, propane with 2 'powerburners' and a top grate that is continuous so pots can be slid off of the burner without having to lift them.
nice!! Yeah, my burner that I use only for this in well, you can tell I have used it a lot this summer..hahaha, especially the burner "tray"..pretty darn black now
roll.png least they are not too expensive to replace. That canner of yours sounds mighty fine!!! 16 pint!! .Mine is/was my grandmother to give you an idea..hahaha, may hold..8..maybe 9 is a big pot, but...and it is only for water bath.
My niece's sis in law always does her canning in the oven no matter what type of food she is far I guess she has been lucky no one got sick or worse. I do admit to canning my venison last year in a hot water bath but this year I used the pressure cooker for it. When I was a kid, everything mom canned was done in a hot water bath too, people were more afraid of pressure canners back in that time. I just got to thinking, if the beef (venison) stew turns out good, I may try it with chicken...not any of mine of course but it does sound like it could be tasty.
I just pinned a canning chicken recipe...need to look it over more...does sound interesting..

**When we were living in Lanc.Co. my parents have a very big gas stove..really nice..i didn't get to can on it, but things got done fats..had to learn all over back to the electric, a bit slower, but easier to control...JMO.

**LadyBehir- going to be in Lock Haven going to be anywhere close? Sorry such short notice...we just made the decision to go
...if not this time..maybe next if it doesn't work for ya. gotta let me know how it goes with that thing...I know a lot of people that water bath a lot of different foods..and they swear by it, but with all the issues with bacteria and those "other" small things...pressure canner seemed like the 'safer" way to go...
...they are just so darn expensive...
South Central PA

Howdy from Chester co....

Blackberry jelly.....I have blackberries....humm.....also, just bottled up a batch of cider...

Really? Cider? You're just teasing me now.

I love the wild blackberries, when I was a child we called them black caps, not sure why, but they are getting harder and harder to find anymore.

We're pretty lucky in that there are a lot of them growing wild around here. The kids enjoy picking them too.
Am I the only old, blind, fool on here that appreciates the larger pics?

And what exactly is a glass top stove? Are they the flat ones? And beer bath? Does it make your skin silky smooth?

Also had a headache this today, I think they're killing my brain cells.
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the weight of the larger pots could crack the glass...we had looked at flat tops...and decided that with me at the helm & all the canning/cooking...aka-"bull in china shop
."..a regular stove would be the way to go for us.
add to that a migraine...not gonna be on here too much longer...

Sorry to hear about the migraine. Hope it passes soon!

pictures or it does not exist.....

hey I will have a kitchen to remodel if we ever move,,,that place is stuck in the 1920's,,,literally,,,father in law has been there at least 60 years and does not believe in change,,, getting the picture..

We will be remodeling here soon, total kitchen move and redo... I am in process of shopping for stove and think I found the one I want... 6 burner with dual oven and built in griddle. I will be a happy camper if I end up with this one! When I bake my 40 dozen cookies in a day it will take about half the time!!
REMIND ME !!!! about the pineapple jelly over the weekend...........will take some digging to get that one out..

My business is mostly word of mouth,,,we only got set up this year to do large amounts at one time...I will have to work on marketing this summer,,, hubby does not like the idea of adveretising, we have had people in the past order than back out on pick up....and I am not very good at pushing things,,,if someone bulks at the price, I just tell them to go elsewhere,,,all though I get the feeling these are the folks that want something for nothing..... mmust work on those people skills...

Nope, no need to worry about your people skills, more like folks need to get real! There is a definite need for some 'reality checks' to be handed out!
Am I the only old, blind, fool on here that appreciates the larger pics?

And what exactly is a glass top stove? Are they the flat ones? And beer bath? Does it make your skin silky smooth?

Also had a headache this today, I think they're killing my brain cells.
I picture the glass tops as the ones with the black , smooth surfaces and some of them have the 'burners' indicated with gold or white painted circles.
I fired up my new (to me) cabinet incubator last night and it seems to be working nicely. Now I just need to get some eggs collected to test it with. Anyone near Pottstown or Norristown that wants some eggs hatched?

Now that I have it working I have a strong urge to fill it up. Does that go away after a while?

(who am I kidding, I know the answer to that!!)

Oh, and I found out the previous owner upgraded it with a digital controller and bucket to keep the water supplied. It's nicer than expected.
nice!! Yeah, my burner that I use only for this in well, you can tell I have used it a lot this summer..hahaha, especially the burner "tray"..pretty darn black now
roll.png least they are not too expensive to replace. That canner of yours sounds mighty fine!!! 16 pint!! .Mine is/was my grandmother to give you an idea..hahaha, may hold..8..maybe 9 is a big pot, but...and it is only for water bath.
I had permanent blackness on the stovetop for the entire diameter of the canner. Poor old electric stove... My pressure canner is the diameter of a regular water bath one, but taller, so you can stack the pint jars. It still only holds 8 qts.

We will be remodeling here soon, total kitchen move and redo... I am in process of shopping for stove and think I found the one I want... 6 burner with dual oven and built in griddle. I will be a happy camper if I end up with this one! When I bake my 40 dozen cookies in a day it will take about half the time!!

Nope, no need to worry about your people skills, more like folks need to get real! There is a definite need for some 'reality checks' to be handed out!
I picture the glass tops as the ones with the black , smooth surfaces and some of them have the 'burners' indicated with gold or white painted circles.
If I had more room and more $ to spend, I'd love a stove like that. The downside is that they should have a 'real' exhaust hood, not just a residential model.

Wing, You need to reevaluate who your target market is when selling food. Cheapskates aren't it. People who willingly pay for quality are.
This is what I am dealing with... all because I didnt tame them enough to catch the rats and wax um up, I had nice birds in there, go figure the ones I thought would be the safest! always gotta work out that way! Not a spot on a WFS comb or wattle anywhere!! arrrrrggggg I am so mad at myself!! ! idiot! My beautiful roosters are UGLY and NASTY! I may dub sporty still researching, I dont want to loose them! I will grow out more that I just hatched too. ugggggg DUMB!! I want to move south SOOOOO bad!! DH and I want to move to SC close to his Dad! JOBS are issues, I want a farm!!! lol money sucks

ok wing finally went through running down to brooders to catch little booger

Found it Sally and you one boy looks to have it pretty bad but it sure was an impressive comb!!!. I think my one boy will lose his points for sure also. Right now I am making sure infection doesn't set in on my bad. His wattles also got frostbitten. So far so good!

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