Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I have some questions!

Is it possible for a rooster to be infertile? I have been looking at egg pages and I am not sure if my eggs are being fertilized after reading and going through different articles...I have seen my rooster doing his little dance and going after the girls. So I am pretty sure they are "doing it".

I tried hatching in an old incubator that was giving to be it was my hubbies dads when he was little they used to hatch eggs out of it. So its old as his dad is now 62. No luck.

I have had broody hens sit on their eggs for longer then 21 days and nothing. I have candled them and nothing.

I know have eggs in the bator again they were a week yesterday and there are no signs of veins or anything..

I have gotten stuff together to make a cooler incubator but I havent had the chance to put it together it worth my time? Am I doing something wrong or could it be my roo....

In a week or so once a get my cooler together and set up right is there anyone near Carlisle or Gardners on here that would have some hatching eggs to part with?

I have some questions!

Is it possible for a rooster to be infertile? I have been looking at egg pages and I am not sure if my eggs are being fertilized after reading and going through different articles...I have seen my rooster doing his little dance and going after the girls. So I am pretty sure they are "doing it".

I tried hatching in an old incubator that was giving to be it was my hubbies dads when he was little they used to hatch eggs out of it. So its old as his dad is now 62. No luck.

I have had broody hens sit on their eggs for longer then 21 days and nothing. I have candled them and nothing.

I know have eggs in the bator again they were a week yesterday and there are no signs of veins or anything..

I have gotten stuff together to make a cooler incubator but I havent had the chance to put it together it worth my time? Am I doing something wrong or could it be my roo....

In a week or so once a get my cooler together and set up right is there anyone near Carlisle or Gardners on here that would have some hatching eggs to part with?

Yes, it is possible !!

what is his age??
what breed are the hen's and how much fluff is on their butts ??
do I have to worry of any disease or what do I look for in them?

As pets, you won't probably care about standards. They are just like chickens, pet quality and show quality. People who show will have better animals, in general.
I'm raising for meat, but am buying most of my stock from show breeders. Twice the price, but they don't want to sell bad rabbits, just not quite great show quality.
Any legislate breeder will let you know what is good and bad.
Yes, they can get sick. Storey had a rabbit book like the chicken book, a good place to start. Leans toward breeding and showing, like the chicken version.
Like any animal, look for overall health look, no nasal drainage or sniffles, coat condition, generally does it look healthy.
I'm just starting out, so no expert! It seems many medications cross animals, so you probably have what you need.
Rabbits are Hardy. Mine have been in an unheated shed for the last month, no problem. I'm told heat is the danger. Mine are in all wire cages,feed pellets, hay. And a water bottle. Easy to care for.
Oh, and I have babies, I think!
Yes, it is possible !!

what is his age??
what breed are the hen's and how much fluff is on their butts ??
I got him from a lady she had two and was getting rid of one of them she let me pick which i wanted...anyway she said he was 2 last year so I am guess he is 3 or close to it this year. He is a silkie mix of some sort... He quiet and keeps the girls in the yard which is what I wanted him for. I just want to try my hand at hatching. So the chicks will be mutts. But I have two orphingtons, 3 ideals, a polish mix and a silkie. They all have fluffly butts..

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