Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Just got back from the ER. My son came home from a birthday party in Baltimore, it was a roller skating party, anyhow he injured his ankle. It was really swelled up so we decided it was best to get it checked. Dr said possible fracture, have to get ahold of the orthopedics in the morning. Ugh..... Not at all what I had planned to do tonight..

Sorry to hear that, hope all is well and nothing is fractured

I am in search of a recipe from all the great cooks on here....

I used up the last of my beef stock is good but, hubby hates when I make it cause I simmer those bones for days on the stove, and well he hates to see the stove on that long........ssooooo... does anyone have another way that I can try... It needs to make alot at one time and be cannable

I remember my mother getting soup bones, roasting them in the oven for a couple of hours then throwing them in a pot to make stock...she usually only simmered them for a couple of hours also...don't know what volumes you are talking about...
Good morning all! I'm looking forward to hiding inside, maybe starting a fire and enjoying the peace while the kids are at school today lol. Oh, and my two extra silkies are going to their new home this morning :) I'm really proud of myself for keeping myself from getting attached to those two. All hope is lost with the rest of them though lol.
[COLOR=0000FF]Ummmmmm hello?  I did not see mention of 'Hot Tub' on here....which was my very first thought..[/COLOR]:D

[COLOR=0000FF]Wish I had advice for you Stake.  Keeping up several different houses is a pain, but watching the others chickens kill one of your babies is rough too.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=0000FF]and by home you mean.....PA?  Welcome back.  Looks like you did not quite escape the snow.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=0000FF]Wow!  They look content.  Do you still need the heat light?  They look well feathered in as well as inside...[/COLOR]

I don't know? Do I? They're about a month old. They seem to enjoy snoozing under the light, but I was thinking I was going to start turning it off at night this week. Because this is my first time, I'm sure there's some overkill with a lot of things.... :oops:
I am in search of a recipe from all the great cooks on here....

I used up the last of my beef stock is good but, hubby hates when I make it cause I simmer those bones for days on the stove, and well he hates to see the stove on that long........ssooooo... does anyone have another way that I can try... It needs to make alot at one time and be cannable

I have a 40 gallon pot you put a turkey frier burner under, you can borrow.
I was cleaning the coop today and noticed two of my hens appear to have leg mites :( I treated them and will have to treat the rest of the flock when hubby is home to help. This is my first time dealing with something like this.

Sorry to hear that! Keep us updated on the progress...

I have had my chickens, ducks and goose in the same area now for years. They have a swimming area in there too. Now mind you, I have approximately 200 ft of fence around this area. So there is plenty of room for my chickens to do what they want and for my ducks and goose to play in the water if they please. I have not had any problems with this setup yet. It may not work for everyone, but it works for me.

Isn't that how "Grandma" did it? If you have the room, blend the flock and keep an eye on everybody? :D

Just got back from the ER. My son came home from a birthday party in Baltimore, it was a roller skating party, anyhow he injured his ankle. It was really swelled up so we decided it was best to get it checked. Dr said possible fracture, have to get ahold of the orthopedics in the morning. Ugh..... Not at all what I had planned to do tonight.. :(

Sorry to hear that. Sending prayers your way. :hugs

GM all:

Its way too cold...its become an aggravation, Sharon, you should've stayed an extra week in two cents....

It is too cold again! On Satyurday I lifted up the straw on my raised beds. There was still a layer of ice! :duc

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