Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I really do need to get up there, I also want o learn the soap making, a friend of mine with rosasia (spelling). Goes nuts over your soap, .

Silly thing is I kind of know the area, I used to drive up that way just to go to a diner in clarksferry( closed now) then turn around and go home. It was a great little truck stop

Scary thing is that I have so much on my plate and not enough hours in a day...and really would try to add more
Wondering about the soap your talking about. I have rosacea also, always looking for something that helps, because not much does.
Wing, the President of the Lancaster county beekeepers lives on park avenue. He is also the local inspector. Their meetings are open to the public. They have hives at the ag center on auction road. They will be happy to show you. My problem is their meetings are in the evening during the week.
He said he will be happy to show me some of his hives. Should I try to set something up with the four of us? I figure your hubby is in on this.
Awww you poor thing. I'm so sorry.

Thank you. He passed away sometime during the night.

Sorry to hear that.:hugs  

Thank you. He passed away sometime during the night.

sorry about this................its always sad..........

Thanks guys. It really is all part of incubating. You lose one every so often.

I've been looking into beekeeping. My mom says no because she babysits toddlers all day and doesn't want anyone getting stung and all that.
Now I really want to check more into this, nobody ever answered the question bout the black walnuts, way out the field under the black walnuts would be the only place I would have....

If only I could get past the set up cost, CC let me know if you decide to try and build something

Does bottomless mean that it is just one big box?

I need a local bee keeper that I can visit and learn,,,need to be hands on for anything to stay between my ears

We let people come visit our hive, we are in southern adams county...we also have hives in Maryland
Ummmmm...maybe for a day or 2 until the hatch in the first bator finishes & I get it cleaned...LOL I play Egg Tetris a lot around here.

Do you stack eggs for hatching, or just incubating? It seems like they might have trouble zipping with eggs on top of them. I've got 80 eggs all due to hatch next Monday and I'm wondering if there is enough space in a hoverbator for all those or if I should split them up. I could put 48 of them into a plastic egg flat that measures 12x12 and center it, I think leaving room for the rest around the edges.

Do eggs hatch better on their sides for lockdown? It seems like they would, but I hear about people hatching in egg cartons.
I really try not to stack in the hatcher. That's why I had to stick a 2nd bator into lockdown for the Easter Hatch. 100+ eggs just didn't all fit in 1 hatcher without stacking. I did prop 1 bator full of eggs on end (fat end up propped against the other eggs) until enough hatched to lay the rest down. I try not to stack in the hatcher. I do stack in the other 3 bators when needed though. I don't usually set so many all at once to need a 2nd hatcher.

Wing: Eggs arrived. No casualties & all look good so far. I'll try to candle a few when I put them in the bator so I can check air cells. Time to play EGG TETRIS!
It seems to me that if ONE chicken has a problem with mites or poultry lice then they all should............very soon..............right?

Well maybe its not lice or mites see I only really see the base of the feathers "build up" problem on one silver laced wyandotte

her white feathers and all...........

well she is also my cross beak chicken.................

could it be related to the fact that she is less skillful at preening because of her beak?

I honestly have not seen moving bugs -------------just the dirty feather the base of the feather shafts................Hmm?

all the chickens had a great time dust bathing in a mix of peatmoss, wood ash and de that surely must help..............I did spritz my slw with the citrus solution and on another day with vinegar water...................I have not yet used the pemethryin...............

the coop was just cleaned this week with vinegar water throughout................

and there are not signs of illness or -----------------so I think things are okay...................

just sharing......

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