Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I am looking for a couple dark brahma chicks or hatching eggs. I thought I saw someone from York Haven that had partridge and darks. Does anyone know who it could be or know someone that has dark brahma chicks or hatching eggs.
It seems to me that if ONE chicken has a problem with mites or poultry lice then they all should............very soon..............right?

Well maybe its not lice or mites see I only really see the base of the feathers "build up" problem on one silver laced wyandotte

her white feathers and all...........

well she is also my cross beak chicken.................

could it be related to the fact that she is less skillful at preening because of her beak?

I honestly have not seen moving bugs -------------just the dirty feather the base of the feather shafts................Hmm?

all the chickens had a great time dust bathing in a mix of peatmoss, wood ash and de that surely must help..............I did spritz my slw with the citrus solution and on another day with vinegar water...................I have not yet used the pemethryin...............

the coop was just cleaned this week with vinegar water throughout................

and there are not signs of illness or -----------------so I think things are okay...................

just sharing......

I would not use a pesticide until I've seen moving bugs/ It won't hurt to use the all natural preventatives, but if you can find live bugs, you probably don't have a problem.

I remember first noticing lice when I felt them crawling on my arm after handling a chicken. I bet that thought is going to give some people here the "heebee jeebees", sorry for that. But it will be very obvious when you have a problem.

Look under their wings, at the exposed skin, and around their vents. Start at a spot for a few seconds, if nothing moves, your fine.
It is the time of snapping turtles. If you have ponds and ducklings be sure to check for large turtles as they will eat ducklings. If the turtle is big enough he'll even eat half grown young ducks. Two years ago I had one that ate 14 ducklings before I was able to eliminate him. He tasted delicious, but why wouldn't he, he was duckling fed.
His shell measured 14" long and 11" wide.

It seems to me that if ONE chicken has a problem with mites or poultry lice then they all should............very soon..............right?

Well maybe its not lice or mites see I only really see the base of the feathers "build up" problem on one silver laced wyandotte

her white feathers and all...........

well she is also my cross beak chicken.................

could it be related to the fact that she is less skillful at preening because of her beak?

I honestly have not seen moving bugs -------------just the dirty feather the base of the feather shafts................Hmm?

all the chickens had a great time dust bathing in a mix of peatmoss, wood ash and de that surely must help..............I did spritz my slw with the citrus solution and on another day with vinegar water...................I have not yet used the pemethryin...............

the coop was just cleaned this week with vinegar water throughout................

and there are not signs of illness or -----------------so I think things are okay...................

just sharing......
I had a rooster who's upper beak broke. He developed an issue with lice eggs, though I never saw any crawling or any other evidence of them, and the rest of the flock was ok too. I bathed the too in a flea dip (containing pyrethrin) and it seemed to clear up the situation. I added a sand box in the sheltered part of my run for everyone to dust in until the weather got nicer as a precaution. So far, so good. They are gross little beings...
It is the time of snapping turtles. If you have ponds and ducklings be sure to check for large turtles as they will eat ducklings. If the turtle is big enough he'll even eat half grown young ducks. Two years ago I had one that ate 14 ducklings before I was able to eliminate him. He tasted delicious, but why wouldn't he, he was duckling fed.
His shell measured 14" long and 11" wide.

MMMmmmmmmmm...TURTLE SOUP!
It is the time of snapping turtles. If you have ponds and ducklings be sure to check for large turtles as they will eat ducklings. If the turtle is big enough he'll even eat half grown young ducks. Two years ago I had one that ate 14 ducklings before I was able to eliminate him. He tasted delicious, but why wouldn't he, he was duckling fed. His shell measured 14" long and 11" wide.
Great pics! Did you serve him with Sherry?
It is the time of snapping turtles. If you have ponds and ducklings be sure to check for large turtles as they will eat ducklings. If the turtle is big enough he'll even eat half grown young ducks. Two years ago I had one that ate 14 ducklings before I was able to eliminate him. He tasted delicious, but why wouldn't he, he was duckling fed.
His shell measured 14" long and 11" wide.

I love the snapper soup at the Lobster House in Cape May! Yum!

not to mention the lobster bisque, crab cakes, shrimp, flounder, and so many other things..................but I digress.............
I love the snapper soup at the Lobster House in Cape May!      Yum!    

not to mention the lobster bisque, crab cakes,  shrimp,  flounder, and so many other things..................but I digress.............

I love the Lobster House in Cape May! I grew up in CM. I'll look for snapper soup this summer when I visit :p

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