Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I wanted to go with a bigger pumpkin that more chickens could fit inside of, but the stand only accepted cash. I will try to post a pic of the chickens getting inside the pumpkin.
We played with our new chicks today. They were born on Friday.  The yellow one is chicken nugget and the dark one is awesome.  They are the first chicks we have ever hatched!!  They seem to be doing well.  Awesome has a funny looking knee, but he gets around just fine.

Mama2my4 I love Lucy's "hair".  I purchased 6 speckled sussex back in August.  5 of them are speckled, but 1 has brown feathers instead of mahogony and the feathers on its head stand up like Lucy's.  It makes it look like it has bead head 24/7. 

Sally you are very lucky to have a husband that builds you coops.  My husband has the best intentions (I think) but never has the time.  Oh well, I guess that keeps my chicken numbers in check!!

Any one still hatching this late in the season?  I just set another batch of eggs this morning.  This was the corrected shipment from the last batch I purchased( they sent me the wrong breed).
i set button quail eggs under my millie fleur d'uccle hen three days ago
SO tickled tonight!!!

I got some bantam blue and black orpingtons from a new friend over the summer. A few weeks back, I noticed that one of them was HUGE! I mean like 2-3x as big as the rest. I emailed him and asked did he have LF that might have gotten mixed in. He assured me that he did not. He thought I had flipped my lid, lol! So tonight I took a photo to show him the size difference.

Turns out he had hatched out some Jersey Giants for a friend of his and one of them was mixed in with my orps. Never really wanted a chicken that big, but now that I have her (and I adore her!!!) I am so thrilled about it.

My son calls her Princess, and I call her Mama.... She is on the right

Congrats on the JG! I am enjoying mine as well. What a surprise though! They are not just LF! They are XLF!
I have two JG and they are not near as friendly as the others : ( makes me mad they are so pretty!!! I feed them and get them and they squalk like I am killing them!! LOL
You Go Girl!!! BTW as soon as theses pups are running around they are going in a playyard with a few older peeps!!
Today was spent cleaning the garage. My garage is divided roughly in half. One half is the chicken coop, the other 1/2 is where we store tools....and My Fiancee decided that we needed to put. chicken wire over the rafters as we discovered the leghorns have decided that the rafters were a good place to roost. So we took everything out of the duck side....and discovered a clutch of duck eggs! Yay! I didn't even know she was laying yet! Then I finally discovered where the leghorn hen was laying...inside a cabinet in the duck side. LOL

Of course all the commotion upset the laying patterns of the I had to hunt under the baby coop to get 2 of the eggs....

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