Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

but I only have 51 days of firewood.......I may be moving into the coop to huddle on a roost...maybe a cracked corn diet would help???
Sure, try it and let us know how it works.
Did you know that you can put a bulb of garlic in a jar, and by shaking it, the cloves will all fall out of their skin?

Hey MCC:

What inspired you to put a bulb of garlic in a jar and shake it??? and what are you cooking that you need a whole bulb of garlic??? some serious Italian cooking I suppose.....
Recovered? Um not really. Cold relapsed on me and I spent Friday and Saturday on the couch. Didn't even go to church today and that is very unusual for me. I am feeling better or the meds have kicked in. This is a wicked nasty cold.
welp..I am feeling like a train hit me...more than usual..I really hope I didn't pick anything up from anyone there. There was quite a bit of coughing and
I certainly hope that cough of your gets better geesh...seriously...
...get well LB...I had a great time though, so was it worth it?..umm, duh..yeah!
..I say that now, but tomorrow?...

but I only have 51 days of firewood.......I may be moving into the coop to huddle on a roost...maybe a cracked corn diet would help???
...are you going to ferment or go all-natural?
Ahem! You know darn well I was up past three, and was in dire need of a shower this morning (I was such a dirty little girl lastnight! ;-D). I had only been out of bed for about twenty minutes at that point.
There is something to be said about being completely alone - no husband or animals- and not having a single reason to get up in the morning! Having no tv or Internet stinks, but is just another reason to sleep! Better to sleep than do housework!!
no housework!!...awesome!.& extra sleep..okay, I am jealous now....DH is very good about his messes..he doesn't make them, BUT...I can say that with the dogs and is a bit more..ummm, or less in need of a vacuum..don't tell him that though..hahaha
Did you know that you can put a bulb of garlic in a jar, and by shaking it, the cloves will all fall out of their skin?
you have wayyy too much time on your hands right now..idle hands are the devils play things you know....if you are that bored.maybe I could make a trip to visit
...oh my, wouldn't that be fun?!
...hahaha..we do know how to have a good time don't we?!

Hey MCC:

What inspired you to put a bulb of garlic in a jar and shake it??? and what are you cooking that you need a whole bulb of garlic??? some serious Italian cooking I suppose.....
omgosh..don't encourage her...

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