Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Kids have a snow day today and we got about 3-4 inches so far. There's no sign of stopping either. I had to shovel a path to the coops and clean off the top of the boys coop so it doesn't collapse. I didn't exactly make that one super strong. It was only dosed to be a temp broody coop lol.

Today I get to put my eggs on lockdown today WOO! So excited!

Awesome! Keep us updated!
Hello everyone!! Greetings from Edinboro Pa! Hope everyone is staying warm!

I would like to get some input on a chicken coop I'm planning on. I have a section of my barn that is off to its self. I'm thinking of making it in to a coop. It has dirt flooring. And a high ceiling. I want to close it up and use it for all of my chickens.
I have 1 Australorp roo almost a year. 3 leghorn hens, a pair of ameraucanas, 5 silkies, 9 2 month old chicks from my Australorp and leghorns and now 3 1 month old orphs. And of course I want more. Lol it's a nice size room. Big enough for all of them. What do you guys suggest?
Hello everyone!! Greetings from Edinboro Pa! Hope everyone is staying warm!

I would like to get some input on a chicken coop I'm planning on. I have a section of my barn that is off to its self. I'm thinking of making it in to a coop. It has dirt flooring. And a high ceiling. I want to close it up and use it for all of my chickens.
I have 1 Australorp roo almost a year. 3 leghorn hens, a pair of ameraucanas, 5 silkies, 9 2 month old chicks from my Australorp and leghorns and now 3 1 month old orphs. And of course I want more. Lol it's a nice size room. Big enough for all of them. What do you guys suggest?
my concern would be the dirt floor, is it a wet area, how would you keep the floor cleaned up..could you post a pic, everything is usable it may just take imagination that I do not have today.
Lol I understand.
The floor is very dry. There is two stalls in there. I could use them and put a floor down so they will be off of the ground. And even inclose them more.
Lol I understand.
The floor is very dry. There is two stalls in there. I could use them and put a floor down so they will be off of the ground. And even inclose them more.

I hope by close up, you mean wire. Keep it ventilated, put down some sort of floor, bedding, and I would think it would be good to go! I've seen conveyed barns, even corn cribs used successfully.
Quote: the corn crib has a cement floor....
if it can be kept dry and ventilated without being drafty you should be good to go...
if it is a half wall between the stalls be prepared to have birds roost on it, seems to be a favorite spot in one of my layer houses
sand might work on the floor, you would need a way to rake it out, or even a thick layer of straw. depends which one is easier for you to get....
Snowing here in Monroe county. A few inches so far, didn't measure but all my footprints from yesterday in the snow, were getting filled up. It's still coming down here, not very heavy but steady. Have to keep checking on my runs so they don't collapse again! Yesterday I tried to get out to the store before the storm to keep the kids with some snack food since they will be home and not sure when they will go back lol. I slid under my car and landed on my other hip lol. I am so ready for summer!!!
Hello everyone!! Greetings from Edinboro Pa! Hope everyone is staying warm!

I would like to get some input on a chicken coop I'm planning on. I have a section of my barn that is off to its self. I'm thinking of making it in to a coop. It has dirt flooring. And a high ceiling. I want to close it up and use it for all of my chickens.
I have 1 Australorp roo almost a year. 3 leghorn hens, a pair of ameraucanas, 5 silkies, 9 2 month old chicks from my Australorp and leghorns and now 3 1 month old orphs. And of course I want more. Lol it's a nice size room. Big enough for all of them. What do you guys suggest?

Welcome to our little group!

Your barn area sounds nearly perfect to me. I prefer dirt floors, assuming you take any necessary precautions to exclude predators (really, not just the floor though).

Not having seen your area, but having been in barns a lot, you might need to add ventilation (search this site for info about that). If at all possible, I would try to get electricity to the area for supplemental lighting and heated waterers.

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