Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

A couple more broody hatches over the weekend...

Millie and some of hers

Patty isn't amused with the photos!

Mindy keeping an eye on them both


Such sweetness!

@Silkie, I don't envy you, wrestling 100lbs of goat is no fun

@Anne, momma doing much better, thank you!

The other goat is even bigger...closer to 150 pounds. Just glad it's not her I'm wrestling this time. She's bad enough on milking & hoof trimming. My pygmy girl is about 70 pounds, nd buckling is about 15-20 pounds (getting fat) & the twins are maybe 10 pounds each max...probably only 7-8. I have all
I have one strange husband......He could of had anything for dinner, I offered to go buy steaks, we hardly ever eat them.....

His dinner choice was half a grilled chicken, new potatoes steamed in butter and green beans..
Candy finally started birthing last night at about 8:30, she gave us 2 doelings and a buckling. One of the doelings was too small and didn't make it. Candy's not doing as well as we'd like and I'm going to call the vet out to help her. Her two remaining babies are unbelievably beautiful, but my heart is heavy. I've been practically living in the goat pen for the last week and my poor husband has had enough.




Just one more


Awwwwe! Too sweet! I love love loooove dwarf goat kids, I want one so bad.

edit: yours are nigerian dwarf, right?

A couple more broody hatches over the weekend...

Millie and some of hers

Patty isn't amused with the photos!

Mindy keeping an eye on them both


Congrats! We have our third broody ever, it was my bantam cochin the last two times but this time my sister's frizzle serama that I hatched from Sally Sunshine's eggs hid a nest under an overturned backhoe bucket. It's a really safe place, no predators or weather can get to her so I'm not concerned and am letting her do her thing. She just turned a year old, so I was a little surprised. I know they can go broody earlier, but Penelope only went broody after she turned 3 (I heard that's when hens typically start being the broodiest).
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A couple more broody hatches over the weekend...

Millie and some of hers

Patty isn't amused with the photos!

Mindy keeping an eye on them both


So awesome! Broodies are the best! Why didn't someone warn me? :clap

I have one strange husband......He could of had anything for dinner, I offered to go buy steaks, we hardly ever eat them.....

His dinner choice was half a grilled chicken, new potatoes steamed in butter and green beans..

You picked him! :lol: Sounds a like a man with simple needs. Always a good thing! :lol:
ahhh just to have one or two broodys, right now i have 15, every day i have to lift all of them up to make sure they haven't got any eggs under them and a couple of them have bloodied me by pecking me, right now of those 14, six are cochins, one sfh cross and the rest are brahma's, i didn't think brahams were suppose to be that broody
I waited until 7:30 to go out to let the chickens out. It was just starting to drizzle, but I opened the door anyway. Steven came out of the coop, as well as four girls. The last two came out a few minutes later. They didn't go more than a few feet. Good thing! What I thought was a cat turned out to be a big raccoon!
Question. How would it lose its tail? The neighbor said it didn't have one.
I waited until 7:30 to go out to let the chickens out. It was just starting to drizzle, but I opened the door anyway. Steven came out of the coop, as well as four girls. The last two came out a few minutes later. They didn't go more than a few feet. Good thing! What I thought was a cat turned out to be a big raccoon!
Question. How would it lose its tail? The neighbor said it didn't have one.

wow.....that's a good hing you were there to see that......maybe the racoon lost it's tail in a fight? or a trap? maybe genetics and it didn't really grow one?

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