Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

DD has muscovies and got chickens last year. This year we will try some turkeys and see how it goes.

I am so happy to have such a great DD. Very proud of her self sufficient ways.
@Auroradream26 , how old are your birds? I got my first-ever turkey pair last summer, and I was told they were 4 (so I suppose they'll be 5 this spring). I have only ever gotten two eggs from my hen, those many months apart, both with those super-soft squishy shells that my first-time chickens lay -- the calcium levels in her food and supplements should be fine, and given other weird things about the eggs I assume it's just because she hasn't laid in a while. I'm surprised to hear yours are laying right now, and especially that they're fertile eggs. I really don't know what to expect from this pair given their age. Any insights on PA turkey laying seasons? My main turkey contact lives in SC so there's a bit of a difference in light between our respective homesteads.
My turkeys are only about 10 months old or so? Out of 6 hens, I'm getting roughly 4 eggs a day right now. My tom, Adam was raised with a while bunch of brothers and only a couple sisters so once he set eyes on my hens, he's had his game on lol. This is still my first year with turkeys so I'm not super knowledgeable but if you go to this thread they can answer any questions about turkeys you can ask. They're rather entertaining too lol
Found a cabinet incubator for sale! Picking it up on tuesday

That's fantastic !! I'm really happy for you.

Next time the chicken train travels from my area to yours, I will send a bunch of eggs to help fill it up.
I "know" I should not worry, having gone through last winter, but this cold still makes me apprehensive. I want my birds to be happy and healthy, so I'm going through everything in my head, to make sure I've done all I can.

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