Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

It is 20*. Please imagine my shock when I went to stomp the ice out of the first water bowl, and all of a sudden, it spilled on me. Other than a thin layer of ice, it hadn't frozen! Can we say, "
The "real feel" is 11*, and my feet stayed toasty warm in my thermal socks from TSC. I am so going to get another pair or ten!
I still need to put plastic up on one more side of my run
talk about procrastination! I have most of it done though, thankfully.
Well you've done more than I have.....just this past weekend I finally ran the cords and plugged in the water bowls to keep them from freezing. If I keep this up I might have some plastic around the run by about March or so.
My turkeys are only about 10 months old or so? Out of 6 hens, I'm getting roughly 4 eggs a day right now. My tom, Adam was raised with a while bunch of brothers and only a couple sisters so once he set eyes on my hens, he's had his game on lol. This is still my first year with turkeys so I'm not super knowledgeable but if you go to this thread they can answer any questions about turkeys you can ask. They're rather entertaining too lol

I'm just glad to see he is working out for you.

My turkeys hatched in may. No eggs here. I'm guessing I won't see any until spring.
Baby chick pic (and a poult)

First hatch of Reese line Cream Legbars (hatched 11/28). I love these 5 little ladies

Looks like they just gave each other blow outs. Maybe they need tiny little hair dryers?
I'm just glad to see he is working out for you. My turkeys hatched in may. No eggs here. I'm guessing I won't see any until spring.
He's working out great, I'm thinking I should've named him Mojo lol. After you said that yours were 8 months old, I counted out mine and they're actualy 8-9 months old not 10 like I thought.
Baby chick pic (and a poult) First hatch of Reese line Cream Legbars (hatched 11/28). I love these 5 little ladies :) Looks like they just gave each other blow outs. Maybe they need tiny little hair dryers?
They are so adorable! Love their little hairdos

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