Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

They are due the 12th. I have some time to figure out what to do with everyone. I wasn't expecting more than a few to get this far. This incubator isn't known for great hatches! I am kinda looking forward to the meat, but we will see what happens. I might get all girls like I used to! :fl

Cool! I have a hen due to hatch on the 14th, BY mixes, so they will be brothers and sisters to your adults and aunts and uncles to your chicks, lol
So it's been about a month and no signs of anyone missing the duck that showed up here, so I guess he's staying for good. He's a small mallard (with the back toe cut to prove he's a domestic mallard) and looks to be between 7-9 months old. I guess someone must have had too many males and decided to dump him on the near by lake. He's back up to a good weight and I haven't seen any lice/mites on him since 6 days after starting to treat him with the DE.
So my dad was really excited and wants me to hatch him out some Mallard x Khaki Campbell cross ducklings so I'm thinking of cutting quarantine period a little short and joining in the Easter Hatch Along. I'm thinking of setting 2 dozen (if my breeding females cooperate) and depending on how this hatch goes I'm thinking of getting some turkey hatching eggs.

Does anyone sell/ship bourbon red turkey hatching eggs? If so PM me with prices (including a shipping estimate if possible)

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With all the snow melting + rain, we had water in out basement yesterday. Not the first time, but annoying nonetheless. I guess the bright side is the humidity is higher and I can take the water out of the incubators.

Got a new incubator today, a Dickey. First impression is that it is well made and very fast delivery (ordered Tuesday morning, received Thursday). This will be a dedicated hatcher until I get around to making a better (larger) one. It's warming up now.

Got 101 eggs in the old hatcher now. Should start hatching tomorrow night.
Gee, guess what I found tonight? A girl in the nest box that has been there most of the day. And yesterday. And the day before. And was the one purring the other day. Until today, she would come out when I offered scratch to everyone else. I thought it would be funny if one began to brood once I started my incubator up, but I really don't think she will stay. Fisherlady has all the luck getting one of these girls to stay broody. We will see though.
Anyone have Pekin eggs?
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Has anyone ever found a chicken in their shed? I opened up my shed yesterday late morning and Rhodebar ran out. That little bugger must have snuck in there in the morning and gotten locked in. Silly girl!

I have found them in sheds, carport and even the house! Nosy critters sneak in any open door they find, and my hens have figured out the dog door...

My Feed Store (which, BTW knows everything about anything, even when you don't ask them) ;) opened up one morning and had a rooster attack them from inside! Someone dropped him off in the night, they wanted to know if I'd take him. I have found hens stuck inside the compost container before, not sure how they got in, and why they couldn't get back out...

Barnyard mixes. Here is the gorgeous father, and two of the girls. And the rest are hard to see. But you might have a huge monitor, and be able to see them.
How sweet is the one in the blue hat!? She's is soooo cute, and will know her way around a barnyard for sure. @dhetzel, congrats on the dickey, I understand they offer fantastic customer service.. :ya

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