Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Chaos, you tell anyone my birthday, I will hunt you down! Superman or not!
I can't believe I'm saying this, but if anyone feels that they have the flu, be sure to treat it seriously. About an hour ago, my otherwise healthy brother-in-law died from the flu. The same one that was going to move to a farm in two months and take a flock of my chicks and ducks.
He was about 49, my sister just turned 40. The boys are 13, and 10. My niece is nine.
oh my god, im so sorry for your loss :( that is terribly sad.
That is why it is so surprising that I would say it. You can beat me up, pull my hair and knock out my teeth, and I won't react much. Needles are not something I handle well. It looks like I found a reason that makes it important.
I am the same way, needles are a no no for me, I am terrified, but when you hear a story like this it sure makes you think. I couldn't imagine leaving my kids without a mommy for something that could have been prevented. I will definately be getting one next year.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but if anyone feels that they have the flu, be sure to treat it seriously. About an hour ago, my otherwise healthy brother-in-law died from the flu. The same one that was going to move to a farm in two months and take a flock of my chicks and ducks.
He was about 49, my sister just turned 40. The boys are 13, and 10. My niece is nine.

:hugs Oh my, I am so sorry for your loss. Those poor children. :hit. I know we can't do much, but I will be praying for your family.

On that note, my mother was a cafeteria lady at an elementary school for many years before she passed. They called the other day and said they are donating and commemorating a bench for her on Earth day. :) She would have preferred it to be a hammock though, haha! :lol:

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