Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Silkie babies will be 6 weeks old this Sunday! They've been outside for almost 2 weeks and have adjusted very well (took me a few nights of worrying, especially with this weather). First few nights I had to physically put them up in their roosting "loft", as I like to call it, since their ladder climbing skills weren't that great. Now they know once the sun starts setting, to go up for bedtime! Sometimes I have 1 or 2 late night party animals when I go to check on them around 8. :p

I've discovered that they really love lamium that grows rampant in our yard, along with dandelion greens and when one finds a worm it is a hilarious celebration worth watching. :D

Still playing the waiting game to determine who's a cockerel or pullet. I think I've got some ideas though...



Got its beak stuck in the fencing :( I'm thinking girl?




I'm eyeing that one on the right... Roo?

These are my first chicks, so I'm still learning! BYC has been an awesome resource!
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Silkie babies will be 6 weeks old this Sunday! They've been outside for almost 2 weeks and have adjusted very well (took me a few nights of worrying, especially with this weather). First few nights I had to physically put them up in their roosting "loft", as I like to call it, since their ladder climbing skills weren't that great. Now they know once the sun starts setting, to go up for bedtime! Sometimes I have 1 or 2 late night party animals when I go to check on them around 8.

I've discovered that they really love lamium that grows rampant in our yard, along with dandelion greens and when one finds a worm it is a hilarious celebration worth watching.

Still playing the waiting game to determine who's a cockerel or pullet. I think I've got some ideas though...

Got its beak stick in the fencing
I'm thinking girl?


I'm eyeing that one on the right... Roo?

These are my first chicks, so I'm still learning! BYC has been an awesome resource!
I'm no expert at all. But the first two look like cockerels to me, because of the significant comb and wattle development at 5 week old. And the last one on right seems hen. But again, I'm just a newbie.
LOL! I've warned him that someone would think that! Neither one of us is offended by that. We started talking about two months ago when he realized that his youngest and my niece whom I'm basically raising are two weeks apart. He is very happily married, and I would never cheat on my husband.
We do like to tease each other, and that's it.

Lol okay! Hope I didn't bother you to ask. I get it, kid away! It's nice to be able to joke around with someone. :D

Glad I'm not the only one swamped with babies! I have 4 brooders full and more in the coop under a broody lol

I think I might have a broody, but we are moving soon! :/

Lemme see: over 100 chicks already booted to the grow out pens, 9 ducklings, 40 quail in the pen, 40 quail in the indoor brooder, 25 broad breasted poults in outdoor brooder, 7 hertiage poults inside, 1 gosling & another 40 chicks in 2 brooders.
The incubator has a few more turkey & a goose in this hatch, 40 geese due the 4th; 150 ee/oe, 25 assorted bantam, 40 heritage turkey & 3 geese set last week and almost 150 quail going in tonight.

A litter of 5 kittens in my daughter's room.

Oh, and bottle feeding 3 baby goats.

It's a bit busy round here.

Just wow!
LOL! I've warned him that someone would think that! Neither one of us is offended by that. We started talking about two months ago when he realized that his youngest and my niece whom I'm basically raising are two weeks apart. He is very happily married, and I would never cheat on my husband.
We do like to tease each other, and that's it.
So Duckling is not your daughter, but niece? I cannot believe it! I always thought that you have been such a good mother to her. Anyway, she is a lucky girl with such a great auntie!
Hey guy! Question Im sure many of you will know the answer to . My less than week old chicks are still in the living room in a brooder, but my almost 6 week old silkies have been outside in their new coop since last Saturday. I have plans to free range during the day and securely coop them at night, as of right now the silkies are cooped only, and haven't been outside since moving to the coop. At what point can they see grass again, and by that I mean at what age will they be smart enough to return to the coop at dusk? I plan on only allowing them out for a few hours in the evening to start and working them up to being out all day once they are full grown. Any advice would be appreciated.
Also, once the little babies (which are all LF and not bantams) reach 3 weeks old I would like to introduce the 2 "sets" of babies. Does that seem appropriate?


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