Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Okay, one last post for the night... we are going to be heading cross state for a funeral this weekend (hub's grandfather) and while I doubt I could convince hubby to do a full chicken train with me, I'm hoping we can at least swing by @dheltzel at pick up a pair of the green egg laying legbar if you still have them for me.

Oh, one more funny story while I'm here... we have been considering getting rid of our bourbon red turkeys since having a replenishing stock of turkeys just didn't work out for us the way we'd hoped (first hen's eggs weren't fertile so Chester was not performing his duties and the second hen never laid at all and thought she was a chicken). So the other day I was out by their run and noticed hen #2 acting weird. She'd walk funny and have her tail bent down and then all of a sudden just plop down on the ground, then shed get right up and start walking around again. I was a little worried but she didn't seem off balance or anything. I took my camera outside to try to get a video for you all but when I went back out she just sat down and didn't get back up. I had to finish making dinner so I didn't get back out for a little while. It occurred to me that maybe she had an egg to lay and it felt strange and she didn't know what to do. Lo and behold, when I came back out there was an egg. She pecked at it a few times too as evidenced by the cracks/holes in it. Thinking back, the day before she squatted for me when I went in the run to feed them. Hen #1 never did that. Of course, we don't have a tom anymore (and Chester didn't perform anyway) so these eggs just feel wasted.
Where does everyone have their food and water? In the run or the coop? I'm thinking I want it in the coop, so I don't have to worry too much in the winter of it freezing


I alway try to keep two sources of food and water available in the pen....water in the coop is not good imho...
Did I tell you guys about our coyote incident? About two nights after I chased a racoon out of the main chicken run we had a run in with a coyote. I was just about to head to bed around 1am when I decided to check in on Facebook real quick. First post that came up was my neighbor across the street saying how a coyote just ran past her on her porch when she went out to smoke and scared the crap out of her. It was just posted 10 minutes prior. I called to hubs and flew out the back door with a flashlight. Hubs spotted his eyes in the brush across the yard from the coops almost immediately and fired off a shot with the pellet gun that we keep at the back door. He says he hit him in the face and it was enough to scare him off. The next night we had a few neighbors over for a cookout and the kids asked if they could sleep out in the tent in the back yard... yeah, I don't think so!

Where does everyone have their food and water? In the run or the coop? I'm thinking I want it in the coop, so I don't have to worry too much in the winter of it freezing

Food is in the coop in hopper feeders. Water is in the run in rubber bowls. No electric near my pens, so water freezes in winter, flip bowl, break out ice, refill.
It is amazing how well the birds can keep a little hole pecked in the ice to get to the water that hasn't frozen.

She won't keep an apron on. But...

:th I have my first broody of the year.
LOL! You know that I am happy, but I am also annoyed that I was right. Now that I am done with chicks for the year, I get a broody. :lau I said it would happen!
I had considered taking the chicken eggs, and replacing them with three or four Pekin eggs. I decided that chickens are much cleaner/dryer so I will stick with them.
Here's to my broody, Bonnie Tyler!
Okay, one last post for the night... we are going to be heading cross state for a funeral this weekend (hub's grandfather) and while I doubt I could convince hubby to do a full chicken train with me, I'm hoping we can at least swing by @dheltzel at pick up a pair of the green egg laying legbar if you still have them for me.
I have 8 that were hatched on 6/3. You can have your pick of those (or take all 8, you can probably sell the extras out your way).
LOL! You know that I am happy, but I am also annoyed that I was right. Now that I am done with chicks for the year, I get a broody. :lau I said it would happen!
I had considered taking the chicken eggs, and replacing them with three or four Pekin eggs. I decided that chickens are much cleaner/dryer so I will stick with them.
Here's to my broody, Bonnie Tyler!

I have a ton of eggs if you need any for your broody...chicken or turkey lol

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