Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Well, looks like Ana is broody again. She only went back to laying for a week or so and decided to sit again :/ what a brat! Elsa is still stubbornly sitting. I put am ice pack under her one day which broke her last time. I came back a few hours later and she had that thong nice and toasty :/ I may have to give in and give them a few eggs.
i have a family member who is looking for a dog she would like a medium sized dog, something with a bit of energy because of her high strung grand daughter. But they like the poodles so is there any toy poodle mix puppy's anyone knows of for 250-300 forsale I would have to see how much she would really like to spend but that's about as cheap as dogs go for anymore. So please let me know of any puppies forsale and I would like to see a price and if possible pics. Thank you

There are often lots of poodle mixes. You may want to try going through a rescue that has dogs living in actual homes or a shelter that knows a particular dog's background if she will be living with chickens or other animals and children. By being in a foster home the dog can be evaluated as to temperament and whether it gets along with other animals or children or should be an only pet.
Most are priced at $200. to $300, (One place is $500. for a purebred, but I find that excessive), but then the dog is ready to go. It is neutered, up to date on shots, teeth cleaned and any medical problems fixed.
Also, often if dogs are with a foster parent, obedience training has been started so you are ahead of the game.
Other than strays, most of the shelters in our area screen dogs coming in so they have an idea of what would make an ideal home for that particular dog.
Good luck.
GM all:

I just noticed that MCC has "Gone Quackers",.......

On the fox front, she came back yesterday afternoon and tried to get in my secured pen, she failed but scratched the leg and breast of my red dorking through the 2x4 welded wire...(yeah should have bought some hardware cloth for the bottom but was being cheap), the girl is OK though....and around 2:00a took the dog out and he alerted, This is a new one and alot more aggressive and less wary than the previous maybe I'll get a shot at her.....I think I know more about foxes than chickens....duh!.... 

Too bad that fox is still bother your chickens. But I have a worse problem -bear. One day just after I got the girls back to their run from free range, there was a young bear walking about 10 feet away from the run. He went to my neighbours yard and watched her doing yard work for a few minutes right behind her! I didn't have my cellphone with me, so I even couldn't call help for her. Luckyly, the bear left without bothering her. I was so glad that we made our run strong. After that, no more free range for my chickens or kid. That bear comes regularly now and my neighbours saw him different time.
    There are often lots of poodle mixes. You may want to try going through a rescue  that has dogs living in actual homes or a shelter that knows a particular dog's background if she will be living with chickens or other animals and children.  By being in a foster home the dog can be evaluated as to temperament and whether it gets along with other animals or children or should be an only pet.
    Most are priced at $200. to $300, (One place is $500. for a purebred, but I find that excessive), but then the dog is ready to go.   It is neutered, up to date on shots, teeth cleaned and any medical problems fixed.
    Also, often if dogs are with a foster parent, obedience training has been started so you are ahead of the game.
    Other than strays, most of the shelters in our area screen dogs coming in so they have an idea of what would make an ideal home for that particular dog.
     Good luck.

Thank you but I have looked everywhere I could think of do you have any shelters that you would reccomend trying.
You need to call local places. A lot of times, they don't get them all up on petfinder. Mostly, they only put up ones that they've had a hard time finding homes for.

And some shelters don't update their information for months, especially if the elder owner or manager of a small shelter is not familiar with internet.
Well, looks like Ana is broody again. She only went back to laying for a week or so and decided to sit again :/ what a brat! Elsa is still stubbornly sitting. I put am ice pack under her one day which broke her last time. I came back a few hours later and she had that thong nice and toasty :/ I may have to give in and give them a few eggs.

You are going to hate me for giving you those two for foster chicks! LOL

Our girls are 17 weeks old today and we got our first egg. It is just a tiny thing. I am not sure which of my girls laid the egg I am thinking it was our SLW. Hope the eggs get bigger. Very Eggcited

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