Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Anyone have a roughly 4 month old Australorp hen they are looking to sell/rehome? I'm having trouble integrating a 6 month old shy hen and would like to get her a slightly younger buddy so I can introduce the pair together. Hopefully that will help them both out. I have three bully golden comets in the neighboring pen that are not cooperating.
Thanks Motorcyclechick......I think the same girl laid both of these tiny egg,about the size of a,jaw breaker, it was in with my EE eggs today and it looked really small next to them. I think the rest of my girls are getting close to laying also. When they first start how often will they lay an egg? It was three days between the two small brown eggs.

My Rees legbar laid her first 3 eggs every other day, then she lays every day for 5 days so far. I feel bad for her, since she is a small hen and it's a hard work for her to lay everyday. I wasn't expecting a legbar being an everyday layer.
Ana and Elsa are both quite content tonight. They are both nestled comfortably on 4 CCL eggs each. The way I see it, they're the ones I have the best chance of getting pure babies right now seeing as how my lead roo is a CCL at the moment and I have about 12 young CCL boys running around out there. My son's RIR boy gets beat up and chased off by the girls and 8 don't think the Marans boy has worked his way away from his marans girls yet.

Speaking of marans, one of my pullets from the first hatches of the year has come in to lay. I'm getting some extra large, super dark eggs from her right away! I'm very impressed!

Nice! My little CCL pullet lays small eggs but she lays everyday. I start to worry about that her little body cannot handle it. All my girls look ready, but she's the only layer now because all the eggs are identically blue.
So, we've had a turkey emergency this morning :( One of our younger palms from this spring somehow got her leg twisted and tangled in the line holding up the swing in their coop. I have no clue how she pulled that off or even how long she was stuck there but when i opened the door to let them out this morning, she was just dangling there and had given up struggling. She is just sitting here, miserable. She hasn't made a sound since she's been in the house. Outside, before we brought her it, she was calling to the other turkeys but in here, she can't hear them so she's been very quiet. I guess that's good though. She needs to rest. She can't stand up and everytime she tries she just flops over :( I'm hoping she can recover and the injury isn't too bad. It doesn't look terrible and I can't feel any breaks but it is swelled up.


I was holding her up to get a picture. She doesn't stand on her own.


Trying to get a decent picture of her leg but it's hard. Her ankle/foot are swollen and her hock (right?) Is slightly swelled



So, we've had a turkey emergency this morning :( One of our younger palms from this spring somehow got her leg twisted and tangled in the line holding up the swing in their coop. I have no clue how she pulled that off or even how long she was stuck there but when i opened the door to let them out this morning, she was just dangling there and had given up struggling. She is just sitting here, miserable. She hasn't made a sound since she's been in the house. Outside, before we brought her it, she was calling to the other turkeys but in here, she can't hear them so she's been very quiet. I guess that's good though. She needs to rest. She can't stand up and everytime she tries she just flops over :( I'm hoping she can recover and the injury isn't too bad. It doesn't look terrible and I can't feel any breaks but it is swelled up.


I was holding her up to get a picture. She doesn't stand on her own.


Trying to get a decent picture of her leg but it's hard. Her ankle/foot are swollen and her hock (right?) Is slightly swelled




Keep her quiet as long as you can, the bone injuries are usually apparent but it is the ligament and tendon damage done by hyper extension which are usually the bigger problem and really can't be felt. If no crepitace or deformity are noted and instability and weakness are still present after a few days I would expect ligament or tendon damage, it can still heal (if not completely torn through or detached), but takes quite a while.
Keep her quiet as long as you can, the bone injuries are usually apparent but it is the ligament and tendon damage done by hyper extension which are usually the bigger problem and really can't be felt. If no crepitace or deformity are noted and instability and weakness are still present after a few days I would expect ligament or tendon damage, it can still heal (if not completely torn through or detached), but takes quite a while.

Thank you for the info. I'll have to keep a close eye on her. She doesn't show any desire to try to get up and move unless something scares her but everyone is being cautious not to do anything near her cage that may be scary. I'm just hoping that any ligaments or tendons that are damaged aren't beyond healing. Maybe I'll manage to tame her a bit during the healing process. She's one that I picked up at a swap and is not imprinted on people so is always rather distant.
Chick cuteness helps with dealing with the craptastic loss of Bridget. this is Rory.

In other news, my husband, who isn't really involved with the Fiends except for building the coop and run, has developed a new "hobby" of sorts. He goes out into the yard several times a day to pick Japanese beetles off the cherry trees. Serena and Colleen know to follow him around for the juicy treats now. Mostly Serena. Funny to see this wee brown bird following this huge (6'4" and close to 300 lbs) guy around demanding treats.
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