Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

So, yesterday afternoon, I got to meet up with @dheltzel and as always with him, bring home some chicks! My coop now has 5 silkied lavender ameraucanas, 5 more Reese legbar pullets, and a quad of welbars, all around 6-8 weeks old. They're all a bit confused but by yesterday evening, they seemed to be relaxing in their new environment. He also brought my a trio of newly hatched welbars for Daffodil to raise. She only been broody about 2 weeks but besides being slightly confused by their sudden arrival, she seems to be accepting them. I'm watching them very close though being that she's a production girl, I'm not sure what kind of brooding instincts she actualy has. Only time will tell. And last but not least, he brought me one of his extra lavender ameraucana cockerels from the John Blehm line. He is quite the handsome boy! He's all set up in his quarentine pen and though he's really rather nervous still, I'm sure he'll relax. I'll get pictures when I can! And Thank you again @dheltzel!

This is obviously baloney. I don't believe that you would end up with extra chicks after meeting up with Dheltzel... :lau

So, yesterday afternoon, I got to meet up with [@=/u/249441/dheltzel]@dheltzel[/@] and as always with him, bring home some chicks! My coop now has 5 silkied lavender ameraucanas, 5 more Reese legbar pullets, and a quad of welbars, all around 6-8 weeks old. They're all a bit confused but by yesterday evening, they seemed to be relaxing in their new environment. He also brought my a trio of newly hatched welbars for Daffodil to raise. She only been broody about 2 weeks but besides being slightly confused by their sudden arrival, she seems to be accepting them. I'm watching them very close though being that she's a production girl, I'm not sure what kind of brooding instincts she actualy has. Only time will tell. And last but not least, he brought me one of his extra lavender ameraucana cockerels from the John Blehm line. He is quite the handsome boy! He's all set up in his quarentine pen and though he's really rather nervous still, I'm sure he'll relax. I'll get pictures when I can! And Thank you again [@=/u/249441/dheltzel]@dheltzel[/@]!

It was fun meeting up with you. Bringing chickens to a reunion is a great conversation starter!
I'm hoping you get a lot of chicks from all of those, they will be a huge upgrade from the chicks that Rural King sells, for the customers that want something a little nicer than the run-of-the-mill hatchery chicks. I like having rare breeds (and working to make them less rare) and a lot of people feel the same, even a lot of brand new chicken keepers. The internet has been a real boon for backyard chicken keeping. People who would have considered it too hard or too complicated to keep chickens can read lots of info and watch lots of how-to videos and feel like they know enough to be successful. But in that information they get introduced to the new and rare breeds and it builds a market for them that has a very poor supply in many areas. We can help meet that need for special chicks, and fund our projects and costs along the way. Every year I make it a point to get new breeds to make available the following year. I think you are well positioned to sell a lot more chicks next year and make some local customers very happy along the way.

Agreed! :thumbsup

Tiny has been in & out of the coop all morning and has been in for the past 10 minutes solid... :fl
I'm watching from inside the house to see if/when she comes out. I'm like a crazy helicopter parent right now :cd
But am really trying to give her space, I don't want to bother her with her first egg lay!

We all bothered our chickens when we were waiting for the first ones to lay. :D

You can contact dheltzel at Pottstown for CCL chicks. I'm sure someone will help with other breeds. People here are really good enablers.

Helpers! We are helpers. Not enablers!

Spoken like a true enabler! Or should I say, someone who is being neighborly.... :smack
I got to visit our new house tonight, the owner is allowing us to start moving our stuff into the garage. So of course, I had to walk around the yard to figure out where the new coop will be. I have an idea, but we will need to clear some brush so they can back a truck into that area. The owner knows a guy who takes down trees and clears land, so I'm glad to have the name of a local expert. The owner says he is very reasonable. :D. I'm so excited!!
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I got to visit our new house tonight, the owner is allowing us to start moving our stuff into the garage. So of course, I had to walk around the yard to figure out where the new coop will be. I have an idea, but we will need to clear some brush so they can back a truck into that area. The owner knows a guy who takes down trees and clears land, so I'm glad to have the name of a local expert. The owner says he is very reasonable. :D. I'm so excited!!

Great news! It is getting closer to reality for you each day... So happy for you and your family!
Spoken like a true enabler! Or should I say, someone who is being neighborly.... :smack

Yes, neighborly! :D
I got to visit our new house tonight, the owner is allowing us to start moving our stuff into the garage. So of course, I had to walk around the yard to figure out where the new coop will be. I have an idea, but we will need to clear some brush so they can back a truck into that area. The owner knows a guy who takes down trees and clears land, so I'm glad to have the name of a local expert. The owner says he is very reasonable. :D. I'm so excited!!

:weee Isn't there anyway to get yourself a goat or six? Even if you resell them in a few months? Of course, by then you will be buying more goats...
Spoken like a true enabler! Or should I say, someone who is being neighborly.... :smack

Yes, neighborly! :D
I got to visit our new house tonight, the owner is allowing us to start moving our stuff into the garage. So of course, I had to walk around the yard to figure out where the new coop will be. I have an idea, but we will need to clear some brush so they can back a truck into that area. The owner knows a guy who takes down trees and clears land, so I'm glad to have the name of a local expert. The owner says he is very reasonable. :D. I'm so excited!!

:weee Isn't there anyway to get yourself a goat or six? Even if you resell them in a few months? Of course, by then you will be buying more goats...

Ha! I've contacted someone locally who raises Boer goats. She said they would be kidding in the spring (I think that's the right term....) and she could offer me a deal. I'll at least need the winter to get my bearings and adjust to having a much larger flock (and house, and yard, etc.)
thank you for such a quick response! 
It is only the one jar, so feeling very good about the rest. The cellar has a nice mild kraut smell...hahahaha, i like it & really don't care what anyone else thinks! hahaha
Glad to know things are processing the way they should, the jars look good, making changes inside that can be seen...which is so cool.
SOunds good! Even the time when mine weren't right enough I was tools by the person I got the recipe (or info) from that I could still use it, just scoop out the top may stuff and out Would still be good underneath. I didn't get around to it fast enough so didn't try that then. I hope you enjoy it! :) I really enjoy canning and love all the scraps to feed my chickens n ducks. So far this year I've only done up tomato stuff. But hoping to do some veggie soup and maybe some other stuff. I also really should get my meat chicken butchered. She's my tamest tho. And I should see about the hens I got at auction. They are very rough looking. (I didn't see them before I bought them other than over auction.) They are fairly tame already to after day 2. I say here chick chick when I feed them and they come running. As soon as my neighbor is done with her garden I'll let them free range a whole lot more. But don't want them in her garden (they rent small plot from us so it's on our land). They all are so much fun and I keep mine in seperate flocks. I have my 1st set, 2nd set, A frame rooster, A frame new set,
Ha! I've contacted someone locally who raises Boer goats. She said they would be kidding in the spring (I think that's the right term....) and she could offer me a deal. I'll at least need the winter to get my bearings and adjust to having a much larger flock (and house, and yard, etc.)
o wow! They are so cute. I've been looking for 1 or 2 goats. I want them for pet lawn mowers/poison destroyers. First I need to rehome 2 dogs. We are very attached to them but they are making the budget to tight right now:) But my wonderful husband said can have birds and goats if can find New homes for the dogs. They don't take as much food (except over winter will need to buy more but with free ranging they kill the nasty bugs and eat the grass etc) and the Guinea pigs and the rabbits eat lots grass and dandelion and plantain etc etc. I want to some how increase my birds and have a variety and I hope they have chicks etc but right now I'm just very new yet:)
You need goats NOW to clear the brush. And the comb. And the pick.

Here's a turkey question. I'm sure @dheltzel will know the answer. Can native turkeys breed with Heritage turkeys? We are going to be living in an area surrounded by state game lands and a state park. On the way up today I saw a wild turkey walking alongside the road. If a wild hen came onto our property, I wonder if the midget white tom would have a go at her, since I plan to free range on days when I am home.

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