Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

awesome on the chickens! I have never bought chickens from auction, hear it can be hit & miss at those things. You have to be very careful too. One never know where they come from & what they have been "through"...

Thank you for the "kraut-encouragement!" hahaha, we are looking forward to having this work out. It will be most beneficial if it does in more ways than one!

We have always processed our meat birds at 8 weeks, this year it was 7 weeks because they got huge. Any longer and they would not have been able to move & I do NOT want them to have "health" issues and be uncomfortable before processed. They are all pretty docile and laid back..too big and cumbersome for too much else. We raise/raised CornishX.
Dressing out around 6-8 pounds...depends on the bird.
[/quote Yeah, there birds were really crummy. I don't know enough about them to know what exactly is wrong with them but I'm guessing a molt. Altho first couple days I got 6 eggs from 13 hens but gradually dropped off. But they are so sweet even though they are ugly. The one is horrible with a very crooked beak. But if she's eating well why get rid of her for ugliness. I'm hoping till spring they look nice and lay again. Beginners luck I possibly bought an old flock. But my children and I love the birds. ... all of them:).I might go auction again but I need to get my winter coops built also. I want to get some little sets of really pretty chickens next year and have a larger variety. I got my babies at tractOr supply with instruction how to raise them but I knew nothing about the diff breeds. So I don't even know what all I have. So well see what the winter and spring brings. Till next year I need to get a bunch of meat chicks and dont attAch to them. But this one does need to be meat. In all I've read I don't know she'll survive the winter. I would love to find a place to get cheap chickens because we are so budgeted and it's just a pet hobby mostly. My grandpa who is 80+ is a chicken fan.

They look that bad?..maybe they have an issue, other than molt. Maybe a hencheck is needed?..parisites?...anything is possible.
When there is change in a birds life, it is not uncommon for them to have a lull in their egg laying, sometimes they get over it fgast, some times it takes awhile.
When we changed our girls rooting area, they had a weenie for about a week..give or take, but that change dfid effect them. 'chickens..what are ya gonna do?!
sorry about the spelling here..useing thje tablet:rolleyes:
I am not sure i understand what is meant by that particular bird needs to be meat?...i am a bit slow today..sorry. Rough going, not comlaining ..just saying why i am not that sharp right now.:/
Do yoiu have that list os "Meds . that is going to be taken from OTC list?..or the website info?
I am a pain in the arse, sorry...will find someway to make it up to you;)...a new recipe maybe???
Gosh, this tablet is rediculas...seriuosly:rant..what the heck???.. i give up
Thank You MC :D
Yep, they are CCL pullets :) I love the lavenders too and I'm really excited about the silkie feathered ones :)

Silkie lavender ameraucanas are so gorgeous!

Here's a turkey question.  I'm sure @dheltzel
will know the answer.  Can native turkeys breed with Heritage turkeys?  We are going to be living in an area surrounded by state game lands and a state park.  On the way up today I saw a wild turkey walking alongside the road.  If a wild hen came onto our property, I wonder if the midget white tom would have a go at her, since I plan to free range on days when I am home.

Yes, ma'am!


Made the girls happy today and put a bag of grass clippings in the run. Finally got the coop done enough they can stay out over night in it!!! Happy momma right here. We just need to put the nesting box dividers in and it's done




It looks great!

Here's a turkey question.  I'm sure @dheltzel
will know the answer.  Can native turkeys breed with Heritage turkeys?  We are going to be living in an area surrounded by state game lands and a state park.  On the way up today I saw a wild turkey walking alongside the road.  If a wild hen came onto our property, I wonder if the midget white tom would have a go at her, since I plan to free range on days when I am home.

It is more likely that your domestic turkeys will wander off and join a wild flock than the the wild hens will be enticed to hand with your flock, but it's possible. I think white turkeys are less prone to co-mingling because they do not easily blend in with the wilds. I have 3 free ranging toms and they have shown no inclination to run off with a wild flock. I think they are spoiled and their friends (bird and human) are on the farm.

Thanks Dennis. Good to know!

Yep, they are CCL pullets :) I love the lavenders too and I'm really excited about the silkie feathered ones :)

Silkie lavender ameraucanas are so gorgeous!

They are gorgeous Aurora!
:gig The broodies have a hangout next to the coop, in the brush. The chicks often run in when everyone is surging out in the morning.
Seven chicks were eating, and two were crying in the brush. Moms looked at each other, and began clucking. One runs out, but the other was still in there. I swear I saw the two hens rolling their eyes at each other! :lau They both went into the brush to get it.

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